Garnishment Policy

The State Controller’s Office (SCO) honors all wage attachments required by federal or state law. Wages are withheld from the employee through a payroll deduction.  SCO has reserved deduction code numbers 300 through 398 for wage attachments.
While SCO will attempt to notify each garnishee via letter to the last known address, garnishment action will be implemented in accordance with the directed legal authority regardless of the garnishee’s receipt of the SCO notification letter.  A copy of the notification letter will be forwarded to the employing agency.  Notification action by SCO is not required by law.

Once a garnishment, wage withholding order, or levy has been implemented; changes to voluntary deduction amounts and/or the number of tax exemptions are not allowed.  However, changes to the deduction amounts over which the employee has no control are allowed.
SCO does not accept voluntary wage assignments. A wage assignment is a voluntary payment arrangement made between the employee and the creditor requesting the employee’s payroll office deduct a specified amount from the employee’s wages.