Employee State Segment

  • The file layout below applies to both the sequential payroll earnings file (AUI.S44.AU444391.PAYEARN) and the PC Downloadable Payroll Earnings File (XXX.S44.AU444940.PEFDWNLD). 
  • The order of the data fields is the same on both files, but the column begin numbers documented below, apply only to the AU444940.PEFDWNLD file.
  • Most, but not all data fields on the Sequential Payroll Earnings file are moved to AU444940.PEFDWNLD.  Data fields marked with an * (asterisk) are on the sequential Payroll Earnings file but not on AU444940.PEFDWNLD.
    • Example: the Probation Complete Date and the Pay Period End Date are only on the sequential payroll earnings file.



(A/Alpha, N/Numeric) FIELD LENGTH

COMPANY_KEY1A/N - 03Agency Number (910 Directory)

Pay Group 01 – Biweekly (PGR Directory)

Pay Group 06 - University

Pay Group 20 - Judicial Monthly

PAY_LOCATION_KEY6A/N - 04Pay Location (ORG Directory) - 2 to 4 digit alpha/numeric code that identifies the employee's work area/location within an agency. Field is blank if Pay Location not used.
LAST_NAME10A/N - 22Employee Last Name, includes appendage.
FIRST_NAME32A/N - 14Employee First Name
MIDDLE_NAME46A/N - 14Employee Middle Name
SSN_NO60A/N - 09Social Security Number
KEY_DATE69A/N - 08

Regular Pay-Current Payroll Pay Date (CCYYMMDD)

MVA's- MVA effective date (CCYYMMDD)

Note:  Date displays only on EAR, FED, STA, DED, DST and NET segments.  Field is 0 filled on BAS, MAD, PAY and POS segments.

PAY_TYPE77A/N - 01

Identifies the type of payroll activity

       Blank – Regular Pay

       M – Manual

       V – Void

       A - Adjustment

Note:  The Field is always blank on the BAS, MAD, PAY and POS segments.      

SEGMENT_NO78A/N - 02Segment ID number- 25
SEGMENT_ID80A/N - 03Segment ID = STA
PAYROLL_NO83A/N - 05Payroll Number - year = 2 Digits and the payroll number.

Field is blank unless MVA processed.

Manual/Void - Payroll Number Adjusted will display on the EAR, FED, STA, DED, DST and NET segments.

Adjustments – Payroll Number Adjusted will display on the EAR, FED, STA, DED and DST segments.  The current Payroll Number processing will display on the NET Segment. 

MVA_DATE101A/N - 08

Field is blank unless MVA processed.

Pay Date (CCYYMMDD) for the payroll adjusted will display on the EAR, FED, STA, DED, DST and NET segments.  

STATE_CODE109A/N - 02Numeric state code ID = 11, OR = 36, etc.           (STC directory)
LAST_ACT_DATE111A/N - 08Process/System Date STA Tax segment last updated. (CCYYMMDD)
TAX_STATUS119A/N - 01Marital status used for State tax calculations:          M, S or X
EXEMPTIONS120N - 03Number of State tax exemptions claimed
*ADDL_TYPE123A/N - 01NOT USED - Blank
ADDL_AMT124N - 07State Additional withholding amount – Letter 'A' followed by 5 numbers.  If no Additional State withholding, field is blank.
*CONT_FACTOR131N - 07NOT USED – field is 0 filled (0.0000) 
*941A138A/N - 04NOT USED - Blank 
WORK_COMP_CODE142A/N - 04Worker Compensation code (WCC and 910 Directories)
*AFFIDAVIT146A/N - 01NOT USED - Blank  
CUR-HRS147N - 09Employee current State tax hours
CUR_GROSS156N -11Employee current gross wages
CUR_TXBL167N -11Employee current State taxable wages
CUR_TAX178N -11Employee current State tax withheld
CUR-OR-TRANSIT-TAX189N -11Employee current Oregon Transit Tax withheld​
CUR_SUI_TXBL_EMP200N -11Employee current wages subject to DHR fees
CUR_SUI_TAX_CO211N -11Employee current wages subject to unemployment tax
CUR_SUI_TAX_EMP222N -11Employer current DHR fee
CUR_SUI_TAXL_CO233N -11Employer current unemployment tax
*CUR_SDI_TXBL_EMP244N -11NOT USED?  Field contains current Federal Taxable wages, not current SSDI wages.
*CUR_DSI_TXBL_CO255N -11NOT USED – field is 0 filled (00000000.00) 
*CUR_SDI_TAX_EMP266N -11NOT USED – field is 0 filled (00000000.00)  
*CUR_SDI_TAX_CO277N -11NOT USED – field is 0 filled (00000000.00)  
CUR_WORKCOMP_TXBL_CO299N -11Employee current wages subject to Workers Comp

NO LONGER USED, field is 0 filled.

Employer current dollar amount for adjustment to Workers Comp.

CUR_WORKCOMP_TAX_CO321N -11Employer current Workers Comp contribution
CUR_FED_TXBL332N -11Employee current  Federal taxable wages
CUR_FED_TAX343N -11Employee current Federal tax withheld
CUR_FICA_TXBL_EMP354N -11Employee current FICAI taxable wages
CUR_FICA_TAX_EMP365N -11Employee current FICA tax withheld
CUR_FICA_TXBL_CO376N -11Employer current FICA taxable earnings
CUR_FICA_TAX_CO387N -11Employer current FICA Tax withheld
CUR_FUI_TXBL398N -11Employee current wages subject to retirement
CUR_FUI_TAX409N -11Employer current retirement contribution (DED Directory - system id - 'PEN')
CUR_SICK_PAY420N -11Employee current Sick wages (ERN Directory system id = 'SKW', 'SKO', etc.)
CUR_OVERTIME_PAY431N -11Employee current overtime wages (ERN Directory  system id = 'OVT', 'HWK', etc.)
CUR_PREMIUM_PAY442N -11Employer current Health/Dental contribution (DED Directory system id = 'GHI', 'DEN', 'PTD', 'PTH', etc.)
CUR_OTHER_PAY453N -11Employee current taxable fringe benefit amount (ERN Directory system id = 'FRB', etc.)
SEVERANCE_PAY464N -11Employer current Life Insurance contribution (DED Directory system id = 'GLI', etc.)
*WEEKS_WORKED475A/N - 04NOT USED – Field is 0 filled (000) 
*DAYS_WORKED479A/N - 04NOT USED – Field is 0 filled (000)  
YTD_TAX483N -11Employee YTD State tax withheld
YTD_TXBL494N -11Employee YTD State taxable wages
YTD_UNEMPLOY_GROSS505N -11Employee YTD SUI taxable wages
YTD_WORKCOMP_GROSS516N -11Employee YTD wages subject to Workers Comp
YTD_RETIRE_GROSS527N -11Employee YTD wages subject to Retirement
YTD-OR-TRANSIT-TAX538N - 05Oregon Transit Tax withheld​   
*SUI_EMP543A/N - 30NOT USED - Blank  
*SUI_CO573A/N - 30NOT USED - Blank  
*SDI_EMP603A/N - 30NOT USED - Blank  
*SDI_CO633A/N - 30NOT USED - Blank   
*COMP_EMP663A/N - 30NOT USED - Blank   
*COMP_CO693A/N - 30NOT USED - Blank   
*TAX_ACCRUAL723A/N - 30NOT USED - Blank   
*SUI_ACCRUAL753A/N - 30NOT USED - Blank   
*SDI_ACCRUAL783A/N - 30NOT USED - Blank   
*COMP_ACCRUAL813A/N - 30NOT USED - Blank   
*PAY_NUMBER843A/N - 02NOT USED - Blank