Employee I-Time Access

Employees accessing I-Time will use the left frame to open/enter time or to review previously submitted time sheets.  Employees with more than one PCN (active or terminated) during a pay period will now have all PCNs displayed.  The menu will indicate if the PCN is active, terminated, or a service profile.
If an employee has saved or submitted a time sheet for a position they are no longer active in and the term effective date is prior to the current payroll, only the CPO will have access to open and view the time sheet.
A time sheet for an active employee with only one position will open without any PCNs displayed in the left or center frame.

Menu items can be opened by using the mouse pointer and selecting from the available links/options or by pressing the dot before the link. Employees with more than one PCN will have the option of selecting the PCN from the left navigation menu or from the PCN and class description in the center frame.  This is an example of an employee with more than one active PCN.
Active PCN and Term PCN - the following image is an example of an employee that has changed positions in the middle of a pay period.  Hours may be coded for each PCN.  Once an employee's termination is uploaded with a prior effective date, the PCN will no longer be available.
When a termination or position change is uploaded and the effective date is prior to the current payroll, the PCN will no longer be available to the employee and only the CPO will have access to open and view the time sheet. 
Service PCN - an example of a person that is not active in the specific agency but is required to sign employee time sheets in that agency.
Note:  Agencies that do not use the online Leave/Overtime Request will not see the 'Review Request Actions' option.
The left frame menu will have different options according to the user's role within the agency.
Below are examples of how the different screens will load for a Central Payroll Officer (CPO), a Reviewer, an Approver, a Time Entry Assistant (TEA), an Approver / Reviewer, a Time Entry Assistant / Reviewer and an employee.
Central Payroll Officer (CPO):

Reviewer, an Approver, a Time Entry Assistant (TEA) , an Approver / Reviewer, a Time Entry Assistant / Reviewer:

Other SCO applications can be accessed by clicking the 'Applications Menu' button.
Any user can navigate to 'Help' by clicking on the button in the lower right hand corner and be redirected to the Payroll and Personnel Guide or select 'Log Off' to exit the application entirely.