Employee Earnings Segment

  • The file layout below applies to both the sequential payroll earnings file (AUI.S44.AU444391.PAYEARN) and the PC Downloadable Payroll Earnings File (XXX.S44.AU444940.PEFDWNLD). 
  • The order of the data fields is the same on both files, but the column begin numbers documented below, apply only to the AU444940.PEFDWNLD file.
  • Most, but not all data fields on the Sequential Payroll Earnings file are moved to AU444940.PEFDWNLD.  Data fields marked with an * (asterisk) are on the sequential Payroll Earnings file but not on AU444940.PEFDWNLD.
    • Example: the Probation Complete Date and the Pay Period End Date are only on the sequential payroll earnings file. 


(A/Alpha, N/Numeric) FIELD LENGTH

COMPANY_KEY1A/N - 03Agency Number (910 Directory)

Pay Group 01 – Biweekly (PGR Directory)

Pay Group 06 - University

Pay Group 20 - Judicial Monthly

PAY_LOCATION_KEY6A/N - 04Pay Location (ORG Directory) - 2 to 4 digit alpha/numeric code that identifies the employee's work area/location within an agency. Field is blank if Pay Location not used.
LAST_NAME10A/N - 22Employee Last Name, includes appendage.
FIRST_NAME32A/N - 14Employee First Name
MIDDLE_NAME46A/N - 14Employee Middle Name
SSN_NO60A/N - 09Social Security Number
KEY_DATE69A/N - 08

Regular Pay – Current Payroll Pay Date (CCYYMMDD)

MVA's – MVA effective date (CCYYMMDD)

Note:  Date displays only on EAR, FED, STA, DED, DST and NET segments.  Field is 0 filled on BAS, MAD, PAY and POS segments – MVA or Regular Pay.

PAY_TYPE77A/N - 01

Identifies the type of payroll activity

       M – Manual

       V – Void

       A – Adjustment

       Blank – Regular Pay

Note:  The Field is always blank on the BAS, MAD, PAY and POS segments.      

SEGMENT_NO78A/N - 02Segment ID number - 15
SEGMENT_ID80A/N - 03Segment ID = EAR
PAYROLL_NO83A/N - 05Current Payroll Number - year = 2 Digits and the payroll number.
PAY_DATE88A/N - 08Current Payroll - Pay Date (CCYYMMDD)

Field is blank unless MVA processed.

Manual/Void - Payroll Number Adjusted will display on the EAR, FED, STA, DED, DST and NET segments.

Adjustments – Payroll Number Adjusted will display on the EAR, FED, STA, DED and DST segments.  The current Payroll Number processing will display on the NET Segment. 

MVA_DATE101A/N - 08

Field is blank unless MVA processed.

Pay Date (CCYYMMDD) for the payroll adjusted will display on the EAR, FED, STA, DED, DST and NET segments.  

ER_ID109A/N - 03Earnings ID code
ER_VAR112A/N - 03NOT USED - Blank
ER_CONST115A/N - 03System Earnings ID
LAST_ACTIVE_DATE118A/N - 08Pay Period End Date when earnings was last processed.  (CCYYMMDD)
*NO_CASES126N - 04NOT USED – But field contains 3 numbers. 
HRS_WRK130N - 11Current payroll earnings hours
AMT_ACC141N - 11Current payroll earnings dollars. 
RATE152N - 13Current rate of pay
RATE_DATE165A/N - 08Pay Period end date when earnings was first paid. (CCYYMMDD)
OVERRIDE_SAL173N - 13Override salary amount.  If no override field is 0 filled. 
OVERRIDE_START_DATE186A/N - 08Begin date of an override salary other earnings (CCYYMMDD).  If no override field is blank.
OVERRIDE_END_DATE194A/N - 08End date of an override salary other earnings (CCYYMMDD).  If no override field is blank.

NO LONGER USED – Field is 0 filled. 

Original amount of declining balance other earnings

*CUR_BALANCE211N - 09NO LONGER USED – Field is 0 filled.  Current balance of declining balance other earnings
*FILLER224A/N - 13Filler (13) - Blank
FISCAL_HRS237N - 11Fiscal YTD hours for earnings. 
FISCAL_EARNINGS248N - 11Fiscal YTD dollars for earnings. 
ACCT_DISTRIBUTION259 A/N - 30Payroll Cost Distribution - Index 4, PCA 7 (5 + 2 blanks), Project/Grant 9, Filler 10.  ​
*Only cost distribution overrides are reported on this file, default distributions are not. 
*ACCRUAL_DISTRIBUTION289A/N - 36NOT USED – 0 Filled (11), then Filler (25)
*PERCENT325N - 09NOT USED – Defaults to 0100.000
*PAY_NO334A/N - 02NOT USED - Blank
POSITION336A/N – 10Employee PCN (4), Filler (6)
*LOCATION346A/N - 04NOT USED - Blank