Dual Employment

The State of Idaho is considered one employer.  Therefore, there are several considerations for an agency to consider when hiring an employee who is already working at another agency.
If an employee is working for multiple agencies, their combined hours may make them benefit eligible, even if they are only working part time hours for each agency.  Therefore, both agencies could be responsible for paying the employer portion of health, dental, life, and retirement for a part-time employee.
If a multi-agency employee’s combined hours worked for a week exceed 40 hours, it will be considered overtime.  Regardless of the number of hours worked at each individual agency, the agency with the latest day worked will be responsible for the overtime.  If the employee worked at both agencies on the latest day, the highest numeric agency will be responsible for overtime.
An employee's sick and vacation balances are a statewide leave balance.  Employees working for more than one agency would accrue leave from each agency through payroll and the statewide balance would be a combination of all hours accrued from all agencies.  Therefore, the leave balances earned at one agency can be taken at the other agency and vice versa.  The balances are transferable from one agency to another unless an employee has a break in service. 
Upon separation of state employment (separation from all positions held with all agencies) employees shall receive a lump sum payment for unused vacation leave (reference Idaho Code 67-5334 and 59-1606). 
As a 'statewide' balance, employees working at more than one agency would receive their entire vacation payoff  from the agency in which the employee separated from last (no longer employed by the state).
Upon separation from state employment by retirement, an employee’s unused sick leave shall be reported to public employee retirement system.  A sum of one-half of the employee’s unused sick leave balance (maximum of 1200 hours of unused sick – 600 hours) shall be used by the retirement board to pay premiums on behalf of the retired employee (reference Idaho Code 67-5333 and 59-1605).