CO - Temporary Merit Increase (hourly employees)

Purpose:  The 'CO' change reason allows an agency to temporarily increase an employee's hourly rate of pay for a limited number of pay periods.  An Agency Appointing Authority may grant a temporary merit increase to recognize and compensate an employee for short-term work assignments, specific accomplishments, or extraordinary performance over and above expected performance levels.

Reference Idaho Code Sections:  59-1603(13) and 67-5309B(3) and (6)

General Requirements for processing a 'CO' (Temporary Merit Increase):

  • Temporary merit increases must be in effect for more than one complete pay period.  (An increase for 'only' one pay period should be coded as a bonus.)
  • Classified employees require a performance evaluation within the previous 12 months.  The overall rating must be Achieves Performance Standards or better.
  • Employees must acknowledge in writing that the increase is temporary in nature and their salary will be returned to their regular (base) rate of pay at the completion of the temporary merit increase period.
  • Temporary merit increases should not be granted retroactively.  (Refer to the IDHR website)

Note:  Other types of personnel changes which require the rate/salary field to be coded will not be allowed while the temporary increase is in effect.

Field Help

Permanent Record Information must be completed.

Override Amount

  • New temporary rate of pay.
  • Must be within the employee's current pay grade when employee's pay schedule is 'H'.

Override Start Date

  • Begin date of the pay period in which the temporary merit increase is in effect.
  • Must be a pay period begin date.

Override End Date

  • Last day of the pay period in which the temporary merit increase is in effect.
  • Must be a pay period end date.

Additional information regarding a temporary merit increase. 

Returning an employee to their regular (base) rate of pay prior to the override end date:

  • Use change reason 'MW'
  • Use an override end date less than the current override end date.

Extending a temporary merit increase beyond the original override end date:

  • Submit a new 'CO' with an override start date that is after the current override end date.
    (The employee should again acknowledge in writing that the increase is temporary in nature and will return to their regular (base) rate of pay at the completion of the extended period.)

Processing a Separation/Termination, Transfer or Appointment Update while a temporary merit increase is in effect:

  • The temporary merit increase override end date will be changed to reflect the separation/termination, transfer or position change date.
  • All payoffs (including those generated) will be paid using the employee's regular (base) rate of pay. 

Processing an inactivation while a temporary merit increase is in effect will not change the temporary override end date. 

Complete a Personnel Remarks action if a temporary merit increase has been processed in error and must be deleted.


Required Fields:

  • Override Amt
  • Ov Start Date
  • OV End Date