Approve Multiple Documents

Purpose: Document signers have the option of approving documents one at a time or by multiple approval. Only Agency Signers, BOE, DFM, DHR, DPA, DSP and GOV have the multiple approval function.  This is an optional process, a signer can use the multiple approve option or open one document at a time.

To approve multiple documents, go to the 'Signer View'.  Authorized signers cannot approve multiple documents from the 'All Documents View', they must be in the 'Signer' view. 
Signers can use the 'Search Within View' option when approving documents with specific criteria such as a change reason or effective date.
A selection check box is on the left side of the link (in the image above, the check box is to the left of the effective date link).  Using your cursor, place a check mark in the box according to which document(s) you would like to approve.
For keyboard users, you may tab to the check mark box and press your space bar to place the check mark. Tab twice and then press the space bar to check the next document.
Only twenty (20) documents can be approved at one time. If more than 20 documents are checked, an error message stating how many were actually selected will be displayed.  De-select documents until there are 20 or less in the view.  No documents can be approved until this is done.
Hint: To quickly de-select all boxes, click the 'Refresh Current View' button.
In the following image, you will see an 'Approve' button below the 'Agency Signer' button.  Click on this button after the documents are selected. A message will be displayed stating the documents were successfully approved.  After approving the documents, you will return to where you were prior to pressing the 'Approve' button.
Documents will show 'Multiple Approved' in the audit trail.

Documents that are 'Locked' or are in a Pending-Agency, Pending-DHR, Pending-DFM or Pending-GOV status cannot be multiple approved. If twenty (20) documents are selected for approval and one of them is locked, the other nineteen (19) will be approved and the one that was not approved will remain in the view.  This allows the user to quickly know which document was not approved.  When a document is opened, it is locked to other users to prevent multiple signer access.