Legacy: Appointment Code Combinations

The following list identifies the type of employee that is hired into a position.  It is a combination of three codes - Jurisdiction, Appointment and Employee Type.
CARActing Regular/Staff
CBRProbationary Entry Regular/Staff
CBXProbationary Entry Limited
CBYProbationary Entry Seasonal
CPRPermanent Regular/Staff
CPXPermanent Limited
CPYPermanent Seasonal
CTRProvisional Regular/Staff
CTXProvisional Limited
CVRVoluntary Probationary Regular/Staff
CVXVoluntary Probationary Limited
CVYVoluntary Probationary Seasonal
CXRProbationary Promotion Regular/Staff
CXXProbationary Promotion Limited
CXYProbationary Promotion Seasonal
Non-Classified Elected
NEEElected State Official
NEJElected State Official - Judicial
NELElected State Official - Legislator
Non-Classified Appointed by Governor
NGBBy Governor Board Member
NGCBy Governor Commissioner
NGEBy Governor Elected Official
NGJBy Governor Judicial
NGLBy Governor Legislator
NGRBy Governor Regular/Staff
Non-Classified Regular
NDTMilitary State Active Duty
NLPLegislative Page
NRAAgriculture Inspector
NRBBoard Member
NRDDeclared Non-Classified
NRGGraduate Assistant
NRM8-Month Temporary (Classified Agency) Employees are limited to 1385.00 working hours per year for any one department.
NRNNo Pay Volunteer (Director or Head of Agency only) Governor's Signature Required
NRPLegislative Attache
NRSStudent (University Appointment Only)
NRTTemporary (Non-Classified Agency) Employees are not limited to the number of hours they may work.
NSBSubstitute Board Member
NSMLuma Temp