Purpose: The agency Central Payroll Officer (CPO) will use 'Agency Maintenance' to select which cost distribution codes their agency will use in I-Time for specific earnings codes or to create an informational notice for their employees. CPO's who are also in the UPA (User Profile Administrator) Group can also make changes to this information.
I-Time Information:
Note: The Quick Select option is disabled when accessed from agency maintenance.
After the default charge code is selected, select OK. Another "NEW" record will be displayed for any additional time codes to be entered. If the time code is changed, the charge code selection form is opened again in case the charge code needs to be edited. Selecting OK or Cancel will keep the previously selected charge code. A time code/default charge code can be deleted by clicking on the 'X' on the right side of the record/box.
ITime Time Entry:
Allows the Central Payroll Office (CPO) the ability to control when time sheets will be available for the new Fiscal Year after the last pay period of the fiscal year has completed.
Note: If there is not a date entered in the ITime Time Entry field, the current pay period plus the remaining timesheets for the fiscal year (up to 25) will be available.