Purpose: This feature allows an Agency Maintain User to add a selected report and its permissions within a SYSID to multiple View Reports users.
Add Reports to Multiple Users:
1. From the Welcome screen, select 'User Maintenance'.
2. From the User Maintenance Menu screen select 'Add Reports to Multiple Users'.
3. A new screen User Maintenance-Add Report will be displayed. Choose the 'Select SYSID' dropdown arrow for a list of available SYSIDs.
4. Once a SYSID has been selected a new dropdown box 'Select Report to Add' will appear. From the dropdown list select which report within the selected SYSID you would like to add to multiple users.
5. When a report has been selected a new dropdown box 'Select Permissions to Duplicate' will appear.
6. Once a report has been selected to duplicate permissions a list of View Reports Only users will be displayed.
7. To assign an individual user check the assign box next to the users name or to assign the entire list of users check the box between 'Assign' and 'Agency'. Select 'Assign Report' when the user or users have been selected.
8. The selected reports permissions have now been duplicated and added to the user or users selected. 'Close Results' will take you back to the 'Select SYSID' if additional reports need to be duplicated and assigned.
Note: Statewide Permission will not transfer. When trying to add a report that requires statewide permission for viewing, please contact the State Controller's Office.