273 PERSI Choice Plan

Deduction Type:
Defined Contribution Plan
Applicable Pay Group(s):
01, 20
Employee Voluntary Deductions
Employee Self-Service Action:
Employee Voluntary Deductions
Tax Status:
Limit Amounts:
$20,500.00    ** See Note below!
Contact Information:
PERSI 866-437-3774
**However, if an employee is fifty years of age or older, they are allowed an additional $6,500.00 for a total limit of $26,500.00.
The employee age is based on the current year.  'Current Year' - employee 'Birth Year' = 'Age'.  If the employee turns fifty in the current calendar year, they are eligible for the catch-up limit, even if they haven't yet reached their birthdate.
Options & Rates:           
001 = 1%016 = 16%031 = 31%046 = 46%061 = 61%076 = 76%
002 = 2%017 = 17%032 = 32%047 = 47%062 = 62%077 = 77%
003 = 3%018 = 18%033 = 33%048 = 48%063 = 63%078 = 78%
004 = 4%019 = 19%034 = 34%049 = 49%064 = 64%079 = 79%
005 = 5%020 = 20%035 = 35%050 = 50%065 = 65%080 = 80%
006 = 6%021 = 21%036 = 36%051 = 51%066 = 66%081 = 81%
007 = 7%022 = 22%037 = 37%052 = 52%067 = 67%082 = 82%
008 = 8%023 = 23%038 = 38%053 = 53%068 = 68%083 = 83%
009 = 9%024 = 24%039 = 39%054 = 54%069 = 69%084 = 84%
010 = 10%025 = 25%040 = 40%055 = 55%070 = 70%085 = 85%
011 = 11%026 = 26%041 = 41%056 = 56%071 = 71%086 = 86%
012 = 12%027 = 27%042 = 42%057 = 57%072 = 72% 
013 = 13%028 = 28%043 =43%058 = 58%073 = 73% 
014 = 14%029 = 29%044 =44%059 = 59%074 = 74% 
015 = 15%030 = 30%045 = 45%060 = 60%075 = 75% ​​