Volunteer Directors

Notify the DSP Help Desk when hiring a Volunteer Director because manual intervention may be needed. (DSP Security - verify if there is a person document in the address book for this person). Even though Volunteer Directors are not paid, they need to be hired through IPOPS with a zero rate of pay so they will be reported in the legislative handbook accurately. The position will be budgeted by Wage and Salary with zero salary and benefits. No I-9 or W-4 is required since they are not an employee. When hiring a 'Volunteer Director' using IPOPS, follow the instructions below.
Effective Date: Appointment date
Appointment Type: NRN
Suffix Code: H
Work Type: VL
Class Code: Class code for Director
FTE: 1.00
PP Hours: 80.0
Schedule/Grade: 000
Step: 00
Rate Indicator: H
Time Sheet Require Indicator: Y
Rate: 0.00
Unemployment Indicator: N
FLSA Code: N
Leave Code: NJ
OT and RHH Indicators: N, N
Shift Indicator: N
Employee Info, State and Federal Tax Info, and Employer Ded Info tabs must be completed. Direct Deposit and Employee Ded Info tabs should not be completed.
The Workers Compensation code needs to be filled in, but will not affect anything since there will be no earnings processed for a Volunteer Director.
Employer Benefits must be set up as 'Not Eligible' for all benefits and Tier Level 0.