Unauthorized to Approve or You Are Not Authorized to Access This Item

​If the message, “You are not authorized to access this item" is displayed when an approver selects a request or voucher, there are several possible reasons:

  • The request or voucher is coded with PCAs or Indexes that have not been assigned to the approver by the Travel Express Administrator.
  • The request or voucher requires a higher level of approval than what is assigned to the approver. Check the number in the Level column to see if the approval level is higher than what you are assigned.
  • The request or voucher has already been approved at the highest level. Check the number in the Level column to see if the approval level is at the highest level for your agency.
  • The request or voucher was created by the approver. An approver cannot approve a request or voucher they created for themselves.
  • The voucher includes a rotary advance which does not use a PCA or Index, and the approver has been assigned to approve specific PCAs or Indexes.

Figure 1 - Not authorized

the authorization warning message shown

You should contact another approver who is authorized to approve the request or voucher or contact your Travel Express Administrator. You could use the Reports menu to view fiscal coding and other details of the request or voucher.