Warrant Reports
Warrant information can also be found in IBIS.
Daily Requestable Warrant Register
Lists all of the STARS warrants issued on behalf of your agency in the STARS nightly IEU.
Outstanding Warrant List – Public Information
Lists all of the warrants that are outstanding at the time this report is run. The detail includes the warrant number, the amount of the warrant, and the issue date. Does not include vendor numbers.
Outstanding Warrant Report
Lists all of the warrants that are outstanding at the time this report is run. The detail includes the warrant number, the amount of the warrant, and the issue date.
Outstanding Warrant Detail Report
Lists all of the warrants that are outstanding at the time this report is run. The detail includes the warrant number, the fund(s) written from, the amount of the warrant, and the issue date. The report is sorted by fund and issue date.
Payroll Warrant Register
Lists payroll warrants.
Requestable Warrant Purge By Agy/Warrant Number
Shows the warrant number, warrant amount, status date, warrant status, agency, vendor name 1, and vendor name 2. Lists the warrants that were purged from the Warrant Control/Detail files in warrant number order. Four months are retained in these files. Purge example: Warrants not outstanding with a November or earlier date will be purged the second work day of April, etc.
Special handling by SCO needed. Microfiche only, due to size
Requestable Warrant Writing Exception Report
Shows vendor payment transactions that were processed in STARS but have not created a warrant. View these transactions to determine if a cash refund from a vendor should be pursued or if other action needs to be taken to clear the transactions to pay the vendor.
Warrant Exception Report
Shows the agency, invoice number, warrant number, transaction amount, vendor name, and a line with an explanation for the exception.
Lists the STARS transactions processed with a DMI with a stub indicator of V for variable, where the agency/user will provide the invoice information, but no stub record was interfaced with the transactions by the agency. STARS assigns warrant numbers, posts to the Warrant Control file, and creates this report. If it is an EFT vendor, will not include the EFT on the bank file. SCO uses this report to cancel the records on the Warrant Control. The agency must interface the records again to STARS with the stub records.
PERSI Outstanding Benefit Warrant Aging
Preliminary Fiscal Year End Warrant Cancellation Report
Final Fiscal Year End Warrant Cancellation Report
Lists all of the warrants that have been outstanding for at least a year. The report is run twice – once as a preliminary cancel report in March, and again as a final cancel report when warrants are cancelled at fiscal year-end. The detail includes the agency number, warrant number, warrant status, status date, vendor number and name, warrant amount, and a message area. Requires special handling to run report.
DAFR1149: Your agency will only have a report if there were prior year warrants cancelled for your agency. If the fund indicator on the report is “0”, the cash from the warrants was transferred to the State Treasurer, Unclaimed Property Section. If the fund indicator on the report is “1”, the cash from the warrants was reverted back to the agency per a statutory exemption.
Requestable Warrant Purge By Agy/Document Number
Same as the DAFR0114 but sorted by agency then document number. Special handling by SCO needed. Available on microfiche only due to the size of the report
Bank Recap Report
Daily list of totals by bank for the State Treasurer’s Office. Shows the bank number, name, current warrant count and amount, and accumulative count and amount by month.
Warrant Control File Change Log Report
Lists the online status changes made to a warrant each day. The report is sorted by the time of the status change. It shows the beginning and current status, both before and after the status change. It includes the warrant number, agency code, warrant amount, vendor number and suffix, issue date, and last process date. The report cannot be requested for an individual agency. It is used by the SCO for tracking warrant cancellations.
Warrant Register
Lists all of the warrants issued in the night’s STARS IEU for all agencies. The report is in Agency order and is sorted by Disbursement Method Indicators (DMIs). Totals by DMI.