Payroll Labor Distribution Overview​


The file that interfaces payroll data from the Employee Information System (EIS) to the Statewide Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) is called the labor distribution file. STARS will provide appropriation, allocation and cash control for all payroll financial transactions. Idaho Code 67-3508 defines personnel costs.


STARS also issues and controls every state of Idaho payroll-related warrant. The State Controller uses a Payroll-Clearing agency (142) and payroll trust fund (0590) to write all payroll-related warrants. The payroll warrants are created the night that the labor distribution file is interfaced to STARS. (Refer to the Personnel and Payroll Guide regarding lost payroll warrants ("lost paychecks"))


The Division of Statewide Payroll (DSP) maintains the Employee Information System (EIS). EIS is designed to integrate three systems:


  • Personnel – used to record all human resource classification codes affecting state employees.
  • Position Control – shows how money is forecasted for wages and salary for the current fiscal year. All persons paid from the payroll system must be associated with a budgeted position. All full-time employees must be assigned a unique position control number. Temporary employees, board members, etc., will be assigned a group position control number. Board members who are ruled as state employees will be set up in payroll. Board members that are ruled as non-state employees will need to be set up in STARS as Individuals (I) on the Vendor Edit Table. The Vendor Edit Table record will be interfaced from payroll to STARS.
  • Payroll – keeps track of payroll transactions.

    EIS includes the Idaho Paperless Online Personnel/Payroll System (IPOPS). IPOPS is a web-based front end system that includes electronic pay stubs and W2 downloads that allows an agency to produce, route, authorize, track and archive personnel documents.

    Payroll is processed in four Pay Groups. This allows different types of payroll to be run on the same system throughout the year. The pay groups are:
    • Bi-Weekly payrolls for most state agencies
    • Bi-Weekly payrolls for the Universities (BSU, ISU, U of I)
    • Weekly payroll for casual or emergency labor
    • Monthly payrolls for the Judicial Branch

The Division of Statewide Payroll (DSP) reconciles the labor distribution file before interfacing it to STARS making sure the total net pay and vendor payments equal the gross salary and employee fringe benefits.

Please refer to Payroll User Manual for additional information on EIS.

Payroll (Labor Distribution) Process


The Division of Statewide Payroll creates the labor distribution file. The file is interfaced to STARS after the payroll data has been reconciled. DSP runs job DA809126 to interface the file to STARS.

  • Agency 142 Net Pay and liability transactions process and create net-pay warrants and liabilities.
    • DSP distributes warrants to payroll vendors before payday
  • Agency 142 Payroll Vendor payment transactions process and create vendor warrants or vendor direct deposit.
    • DSP distributes warrants to agencies before payday.
  • G batches error in STARS for B13 invalid approval. This includes agency 142.
    • The day before payday DSA releases batches again for processing.

Fiscal Year End Process

The final June labor distribution file will process differently at fiscal year-end. The G batches containing the TCs 326s and 327s will process the week before payday.


This will give agencies time to clear any deficit balances created by the TC 326 before DSP processes the final adjustment payroll for the fiscal year.