Interagency Billing Reports
Report Name
Receivables Aging by Organization
Ages receivables in 0-60 days, 61-120 days and over 120 days. Lists by Fund, G/L account and Second Agency (paying agency). Page breaks by agency.
Receivables Status by Organization
Lists receivables showing Original Balance, Adjustments, Liquidations and Outstanding Balance. Lists by, G/L account and Second Agency (paying agency). Page breaks by agency.
Ages receivables in 0-60 days, 61-120 days and over 120 days. Lists by Fund, G/L account and Second Agency (paying agency). Same as DAFR0139 but does not page break by agency.
Receivables Aging
Ages receivables in 0-60 days, 61-120 days and over 120 days. Includes percentages of the total due. Lists by Fund, G/L account and Subsidiary. Page break by Fund.
Receivables Status
Lists receivables showing Original Balance, Adjustments, Liquidations and Outstanding Balance. Lists by Fund, G/L account and Document Number. Page breaks by Fund.
You may see a balance in a fund of .01 on this report. Payroll documents are set up with a .01 balance so that they do not purge at fiscal year-end. This is done in order to continue to process payroll transactions. The penny is not adjusted off.
Interagency Payables by Agency
Lists payables showing Original Balance, Adjustments, Liquidations and Outstanding Balance. Lists by billing agency. Does not page break by agency.
Subsidiary Transaction Analysis Report
Shows individual Subsidiary transactions processed during the month.
DAFR8750 (SS1: D32)
Descriptor Table Report – D32 Subsidiary Table
Lists all subsidiaries on the Subsidiary Table by G/L account, Subsidiary number and Subsidiary title.