How to Adjust an Interagency Billing
The billing agency creates an interagency billing (IAB) by using a TC 130 and sending an Interagency Billing Form to the paying agency. The billing agency receives payment from the paying agency.
The billing agency can adjust the amount of interagency billing at any time:
When entering these transaction codes, enter the Current Document Number from the original TC 130 transaction in the REF-DOC/SFX field of the TC 131 or 131R transaction.
If an incorrect amount was paid, the paying agency should make the correction using a TC 240/240R.
The billing agency can make adjustments for certain situations. For example:
If you need to correct the fiscal coding of a payment you have received, enter a 101R with the fiscal coding of the payment, then enter a 101 with the correct fiscal coding.
The paying agency uses either a TC 240 or TC 241, and uses the Current Document Number from the billing agency IAB form in the Invoice Number, being sure to enter the invoice number and suffix as one number – no spaces or dashes.
Use a TC 240R with the same information used on the original TC 240 transaction.
Then use a TC 240 with the same information used on the original TC 240, and enter the correct Invoice Number, being sure to enter the invoice number and suffix as one number – no spaces or dashes.
If you paid the IAB using a wrong PCA or Vendor Number, enter the following in the same batch:
Interagency billing reports are available on IBIS.
In addition, the billing agency can monitor outstanding receivables (including overpayments) with the DAFR0139 Report.
The paying agency can monitor outstanding payables (including overpayments) with the DAFR2410 Report.