Adjust or Correct Expenditures and Disbursements

These are examples of adjustment TCs (transaction codes) to correct expenditures and disbursements. Adjustments are made in a Batch Type 4 or 5.

TC 27A/27B – Correct a TC 230 Payment Made With the Wrong Subobject, PCA, or Fund

In one batch, enter the following:

  1. Enter a TC 27A with the same data entry as the original the TC 230 payment.
  2. Enter a TC 27B transaction with the same data entry except using the correct subobject or PCA.
    • If a 1099MISC is not generated for the vendor, it is because the subobject used in the original TC 230 is not 1099 reportable. Enter a 1099 reportable subobject in the TC 27B transaction.
    • TC 27A/27B will post to the Vendor Payment File, so if you do not need to post the adjustment to the Vendor Payment file, use TC 270 to reverse the payment and then a TC 271.

TC 27A/27C – Correct a TC 230 Payment to Post to an Encumbrance

In one batch, enter the following:

  1. Enter a TC 27A with the same data entry as the original the TC 230 payment.
  2. Enter a TC 27C transaction with the same data entry and enter a current year encumbrance in the reference document field.

TC 27C/27CR – Correct a TC 236 Payment Made to the Wrong Encumbrance, PCA, or Subobject

To correct a payment made to a prior year encumbrance, contact

For current year encumbrances, enter the following in one batch:

  1. Enter a TC 27C R with the same data entry as the original TC 236 transaction.
  2. Enter a TC 27C to post to the correct encumbrance, PCA, or subobject.

TC 108/108R - Correct a TC 280 Refund Made to the Wrong Subsidiary

In one batch, enter the following:

  1. Enter a TC 108 with the same data entry as the original the TC 280 transaction.
  2. Enter a TC 108R transaction using the correct Subsidiary.

GL 2402 Subsidiary accounts usually have a minus balance, so a plus balance in the Subsidiary file indicates an error.

TC 102/102R – Correct a TC 281 Disbursment of Sales Tax With the Wrong PCA and/or Fund

In one batch, enter the following:

  1. Enter a TC 102 with the same data entry as the original TC 281.
  2. Enter a TC 102R transaction with the correct PCA and Fund.

The TC 281 affects GL 2109 Sales Tax Payable, which usually normally has a credit balance. A debit balance in this GL indicates the error.

TC 101/101R – Correct a TC 283 Refund Made With the Wrong Subobject

In one batch, enter the following:

  1. Enter one of the following transactions with the same data entry as the original TC 283, depending on whether a Grant and/or Project was used on the TC 283:
    • TC 101 – can post to a GrantTC 440 – will post to a Grant
    • TC 439 – will post to a Project
    • TC 441 – will post to Grants and Project.

Enter a TC 101R with the correct Revenue Subobject. If the adjustment is made in the same month as the error occurred, this record would disappear from the Operating File, since all of the amounts net to zero.

TC 104/104R – Correct a TC 287 Refund Made to the Wrong Subsidiary

In one batch, enter the following:

  1. Enter a TC 104 with same data entry as the original TC 287.
  2. Enter a TC 104R with the correct Subsidiary. 

Subsidiary accounts usually have a minus balance, so a plus balance in the Subsidiary file can indicate an error from the TC 287 refund.

TC 105/101R – Correct a TC 230 Payment That Should Have Been a TC 238 (Refund of Revenue)

In one batch, enter the following:

  1. Enter a TC 105 with same data entry as the original TC 230.
  2. Enter a TC 101R also with same data entry as the original TC 230. 

TC 268/269 - Payroll Expenditure Adjustments

To adjust or correct payroll expenditures made with a TC 326, use the following two transaction codes in one batch.

  1. Enter a TC 268 to reverse the incorrect TC 326 transactions. TC 268 will require a PCN (Position Control Number), and a subobject in the 4000 range.
  2. Enter a TC 269 to enter the correct information. TC 269 will require a PCN, and a subobject in the 4000 range.

The total of the TC 268 must equal the TC 269 by Position Control Number.