Unable To Approve Requisitions
If the Approve button is greyed out or line items are greyed out, these are requisitions or items that you cannot approve.
On the Approval screen, click Menu next to an item, and then click View Reason to find out why you cannot approve it.
Figure 1 – Items you cannot approve
Even though the status indicates the requisition is awaiting approval, the requisition may not have been marked as complete. The requester should open the requisiton and click Itemize Complete.
Figure 2 - Itemize complete
Your administrator will have to add you as an approver to the workflow
Figure 3 - Administration workflow set up
It is possible to create, fiscal code, and save a requisition without a workflow.
The Approver will have to reject all items and the administrator must create a workflow. The rejected requisition can then be assigned to the workflow and completed.
Your administrator will need to add you to the Requisition Department and/or set up your Agency rules.
Figure 4 - Administration Restrict Approvals by Department
Your administrator will need to set up your specific approval rules.
Figure 5 - Administrative set up of Approval Rules
You created the requisition and you are an approver.
Figure 6 - Administrative Agency Restrict Approver set up