Requisition Status Screen​


Many agencies will set Requisitions Status screen as the default for requesters. The Status screen displays a list of requisitions that have been saved in the application and provides a way to find requisitions by several criteria.

A requester can check on the status of their requisition by viewing the Status column or by clicking the plus sign next to a requisition to view the status of each line item. (Purchasers can also view requisition status when they open the Purchase Orders screen and click the Req Status tab.)


1. From the Purchasing main menu, click Requisitions.

Figure 1 - Requisitions Status screen

the requisitions status screen with a list of several requistions 

2. By default, requisitions that are Active or Recently Received and are assigned to your departments (if your agency has created Requisition Departments) are displayed.

3. The bottom section of the screen displays the requisitions. The list is organized by column headers to show the following information:

  • Trk #. The number of a requisition that is in process but has not been completed. To identify requisitions that do not have requisition numbers.
  • Req #. The requisition number (if the requisition has been completed).
  • Requester. The name of the person who created and saved the requisition.
  • Req’D Date. The date the requisition was created and saved.
  • Description. The description of the requisition (if one was entered).
  • Status. The status of the requisition (statuses include Awaiting Line Approval, Awaiting Fiscal Coding, Ready for Purchasing, Line Item Rejected, Awaiting Authorization, Itemize in Progress, All Items Received, Some Items Received, All items received or cancelled, or New Requisition).

4. Click the plus sign (+) next to a requisition to view the individual items. A requisition could have several line items each with a different status.

5. To open a requisition, click the Select, Edit, Authorize, Fiscal, or Approve, next to it to complete the process as indicated in the Status column.

Search for a Requisition

1. The top section of the Status screen contains search criteria to find requisitions. Select from the following:

  • Req #. The requisition number (if the requisition itemization has been completed).
  • Tracking #. The tracking number of a requisition. This number is only used within the Purchasing application, not on printed purchase orders.
  • Status. The status of the requisition.
  • Requisition Date Range. The date range the requisition was created and saved.
  • Departments. Available only if your administrator has created Requisition Departments. Also, this menu will not be seen if a user is only a requester.
  • My Requisitions. Check this to find only those requisitions created and saved by you. (Not all users will have this option. It will not be seen if a user is only a requester.)

2. Click Find.

3. If desired, click Reset to reset the criteria to defaults and then click Find.

If you are having difficulty finding a requisition, try the following:

1. Uncheck My Requisitions (if applicable).

2. Change the Departments (if applicable) – try All Departments.

3. Change the Status – try All Requisitions.

4. Click Find.

Find a Purchase Order Number for a Requisition

Once a purchase order has been created from a requisition (either ordered or in the process of being ordered), the status may be ‘Ready for Purchasing’ or the line item status may be ‘Assigned to PO’. On the Requisition Status screen, you can check the purchase order number, the status of the items, the name of the purchaser, and if any of the items have been received.

1. From the Requisitions menu, click the Status tab.

2. Click Select next to a requisition with a status of Ordered.

3. Check the Receiving info check box.

Figure 7 - Requisition receipt info


The requisition items, the purchase order number, the name of the purchaser, etc. will be displayed.

You can also run a Purchase Order report and search by the requisition number. See the Reports document for more details. The report will display the purchase order number that the requisition items were added to.