Requisition Fiscal Coding
From the Status screen, select a requisition that is Awaiting Fiscal Coding. Otherwise, click the Status drop down menu, select Awaiting Fiscal Coding, and then click Find. Then click Fiscal next to a requisition on the Status screen.
If you have entered and completed a requisition and are also a Fiscal Coder, you can leave the requisition open and check the Coding Info check box on the Requisitions screen.
If your agency’s Purchasing administrator has enabled automatic authorization of requisitions, no authorization steps are required.
Only line items with encumbrance transaction codes (e.g., TC 215) are sent to STARS. All other transaction codes are not. A purchase order marked as Not Invoiced or PCard Purchase will not send any transactions to STARS, unless overridden by the Purchasing administrator.
1. From the Status screen, click Select next to a requisition that is Awaiting Fiscal Coding.
2. Check the Coding Info check box to display the fiscal code fields.
Figure 1 - Coding Info
3. If necessary, review the Req Notes, Req Attachment, or the line item Notes and/or attachments (Atch).
4. Enter the transaction code in the TC field. If you are not sure which transaction code to use, you can look up transaction codes and select one (see below).
5. Press TAB or click into another field. Transaction codes determine which fiscal codes are required, and the required fields will be highlighted in pink. You can save your work at this point and finish the coding later. However, these fields will be required at the time the coding is marked as complete.
Figure 2 - Required fiscal codes
6. Complete the remainder of the fiscal coding (Index, PCA, subobject, etc). A fiscal code field that is designated with an asterisk (*) can perform lookups or validations.
7. To look up or search for a fiscal code, choose a field marked with an asterisk, place the cursor in the field, and press F3.
8. If you enter a fiscal code in one of the designated look up fields, press TAB and the code will be validated. Invalid fiscal codes will be highlighted and an error message will be displayed.
Figure 3 - PCA look up example
9. If needed for your agency’s process, you can check the Vendor Info check box and enter a vendor name and address. Typically, the purchaser will enter an appropriate vendor for a purchase order.
10. When finished, click Coding Complete. Any missing or invalid fiscal codes will be highlighted.
The requisition will be ready for the first level approval – there is no need to route the requisition to a specific approver.
Once the fiscal coding is complete, the requisition cannot be changed unless a Purchaser rejects the line item(s). A Purchaser can, however, make changes to the quantity, price, and unit of measure of individual line items.
You can change the quantity of an encumbered line item as long as it has not been sent to STARS (i.e., it has not been marked as Ordered).
When a purchase order with encumbered line items and that has been sent to STARS is voided (deleted), the application will send a TC 225 for each encumbered line item and delete any line items of the purchase order in the Purchasing application that have not been ordered. For these line items, if the MOD field is blank, STARS will treat it as a partial just as if the user had entered a “P”. If there is an “F” in the MOD field, STARS will finalize the encumbrance.
An invoice from a purchase order can be entered into Payment Services, and the purchase order items can be imported from the Purchasing application. A Reference Document number can be entered in Payment Servcies to pay towards the encumbrance.
Typically the fiscal coding on a requisition does not need to be split in order to pay it from different funds – the payment (Payment Services or STARS) can be split to do this.
But since a requisition is based on the quantity of items, the quantities could be entered on multiple lines and different fiscal coding applied to each line. For example, if 10 cases of paper are requested, these could be entered on two lines, one line for 8 cases and one line for 2 cases, and each line could be coded differently.
A fiscal coder can add or delete items to a requisition.
1. With a requsition open on the Requisitions screen, click Add Item.
2. Enter a Description, quantity (Qty), unit of measure (U.M.), Price, and select a Workflow. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \, in the Description field.
3. Click Save.
4. You will be prompted to enter the correct fiscal coding.
To delete a line item:
1. Click Menu next to a line item.
2. Click Delete Line Item.