Purchasing, Audit, User Report, and Other Reports
For all reports except Processed document reports: From the main Purchasing menu, click Requisitions or Purchase Orders.
Click the Report tab to select a type of report.
Figure 1 - Reports tab
There are over 30 criteria to select and create a Purchase Order or Requisition report from.
1. Select or enter the criteria needed for the report.
2. Check either the PO Format (PDF Only) or Requisition Format (PDF Only) check box if you want to generate a PDF report that is sorted by various criteria. Select the Sort by criteria to sort the line items on the report.
3. If desired, check the Show All Detail (PDF) Only), Show Requisition/PO Detail (PDF) Only), Show Coding Detail (PDF) Only), and/or Show Receiving Detail (PDF) Only) check boxes to print the respective details for each line item.
4. Click PDF Report, TXT Report, or CSV Report. Reports are then generated and displayed in PDF, text, or comma separated value (CSV) format.
Figure 2- Purchasing report criteria
The Purchase Order Audit Report and The Requisition Audit Report are available in PDF only.
These will print the workflow name, and the names of the people who have authorized, coded, and approved each item. The requisition audit will also show if a purchase order was created from the item and by whom.
Figure 3 – Requisition Audit report criteria
Select the month, enter the year, and then click PDF Report.
The report will display line items that have fiscal coding completed, are not voided, are part of a purchase order, and have amounts greater than or equal to the agency delegated amount. The agency Delegated Amount must be set up on the Agency screen in the Administration menu.
The Delegated Amount is the amount that the Department of Administration has granted to an agency for purchases exceeding $5,000 and not available on statewide contracts. See the Department of Administration’s Purchasing Reference Guide for more details.
Figure 4- Division of Purchasing Delegated report criteria
The bottom of the PDF report will include the following statement:
This monthly report is to be submitted for all agency purchases pursuant to its delegated authority. It shall include all commodity purchases between the listed minimums and the agency's delegated purchasing limit.
Do not include any purchase from State Contracts, Division of Purchasing issued Purchase Orders, or Division of Purchasing EPA's (Emergency Purchasing Authority) or SSA's (Sole Source Authorization).
Include all commodity and general services purchases greater than $5,000 and all authorized Departmental EPA's (regardless of dollar amount including noncompetitive professional or consulting services of less than $50,000, or IT services less than $50,000)
*Non-Competitive Codes:
IT (Information Technology Services) P&C(Professional or Consulting Services), DEPA (Department issued Emergency Purchasing Authority) CI (Correctional Industries), FED (Federal) S&L GOV (State or Local Government), IACRP (Idaho Association of Community Rehabilitation Program), Exempt (attach explanation)
These reports display the current balance of a Grant, Project, or Encumbrance. The report takes the STARS balance and adds or subtracts the amount that is in Purchasing and Payment Services based on the Transaction Code. Each report is generated in PDF format only
The selectable report criteria are the same for the Encumbrance, Grant, or Project reports.
Figure 5 - Encumbrance, Grant, or Project report
This report will print the names of your agency's Purchasing users, the roles they have been assigned, the workflows, departments they have been assigned to, any approval levels and approval rules they have been assigned.
Figure 6 - User report criteria