​Add New User and User Maintenance


Users can be added, be assigned roles (security), and given or denied access to the application by making them active or inactive in the application.

Figure 1 - User Maintenance

User Maintennce screen with various settings shown 

Add a New User

1. On the Administration screen, User Maint tab, click Find New User to search and find users.

Figure 2 - Find New User lookup

User Maintenance screen with Find New User button highlighted and user lookup window displayed 

2. Type the last name or first name of the new user in the Last Name or First Name field. (Type just the first few letters of a name if you are not sure exactly how it is spelled.

  • To add an employee (e.g., an auditor) from another agency, type the last and/or first name and enter their agency number in the Agency field. Do not add an employee from your agency to another agency number.

3. Click Find.

  • If the user cannot be found, contact your payroll administrator to make sure that the user has been added to state payroll records.

4. Click Select next to the user’s name to add, and then click OK to confirm adding the user.

5. Select the Active Payment Services User check box to allow the user access to the application.

  • Uncheck the check box to inactivate a user (e.g., when they leave the agency) but still allow approvers access to and processing of invoices that the user has entered.

Figure 3 - Assign user security and approval PCA/Index

User maintenance scren with Active Payment Services User check box and update user button highlighted 

6. Select the check boxes of the roles or security to assign to the user. Selecting the check box gives the user permission to use those screens and functions in the application:

  • Authorize - allows the user to authorize an invoice
  • Cost Dist - allows the user to enter fiscal coding and distribute costs to particular PCAs or Indexes.
  • Approval levels - allows the user to approve or disapprove invoices. Final approval level allows users to change the payment date of an invoice. You set up the number of approval levels and the names of the approval levels on the Agency tab.
  • Admin - allows the user Payment Services administrator functions. It is best to have at least two users added for this role so that one can serve as a backup.
  • Auditor – an auditor will have only Processed Invoice as a menu selection. Do not set up a user as an auditor and another role because they will have only Processed Invoice as a menu selection.
  • Template Maint – allows the user to set up templates.
  • Assign Approval – displays another section to assign PCAs or Indexes to approvers. This allows approvers to view and approve invoices by detail line that are coded with those PCAs or Indexes. (Leave Assign Approval unchecked and the user will be able to approve all PCAs or Indexes.)
    • Select the PCAs or Indexes to assign to the approver.
    • Click the right arrow icon to assign the selected PCAs or Indexes.
    • If the PCA/Index is highlighted in red, the PCA or Index is invalid. It could be that the PCA or Index is invalid for the current budget fiscal year.
    • The assigned approval PCA/Index will restrict users only on those approval levels that you enable with the ‘approve by detail line’ setting.

7. Click Add User.

User Maintenance - Update a User’s Approval level, Roles, etc.

1. On the Administration screen, User Maint tab, click Select next to the name of the user.

2. Follow the same steps available as when adding a new user (see above).

  • ​​​​Name changes: If a user’s name has changed, contact servicedesk@sco.idaho.gov
​3. If you do not want the user to have access to application (e.g., if they are no longer an employee), uncheck Active Payment Services User.

4. Click Update User

Change a User’s E-Mail Address

The Payment Services administrator cannot change the e-mail address of a user. Instead, each user is responsible for updating their e-mail address.

1. The user must log on to the Statewide Accounting System menu - without selecting any application.

2. Click Edit next to the e-mail address.

3. Enter the correct e-mail address.

4. Click Save.

The user may have to log off and log on in order to see the change.