Reports can be generated based upon a variety of invoice search criteria, such as payment dates, invoice dates, fiscal coding (Transaction Code, PCA, or Index), vendor number, etc. PDF reports can be generated to “Show Invoice Detail”, which shows all fiscal coding and invoice details.
The Payment Date criteria will reflect the either the Payment Date on the Invoice screen or Payment Request Date on the final Approval screen, depending on the status of the invoice.
Two types of reports are available: Invoice and Audit. The Audit Reports have the same search criteria as Invoice Reports, except that they are available only in PDF format and there are no sorting options. Audit Reports display the approval history of an invoice (the approver’s names and approval levels that have been completed) invoice totals, and other invoice details.
Invoice Reports can be generated in PDF, TXT, or CSV file formats. PDF reports are formatted for printing in landscape on letter size paper. CSV or TXT files are not formatted for easy printing, but can be formatted for printing in an application.
Also, you can select sort options on PDF reports (except on Audit Reports) so that the transactions are sorted by, for example, Invoice Number, Payment Date, or Amount, etc. To sort by any other fields not listed for PDF reports, choose the CSV format which you can open in a spreadsheet program (e.g., MS Excel) to sort any column.
Audit Reports are available in PDF format only and there are no sorting options.
1. From the Payment Services main menu, select Invoices, and then click the Reports tab.
2. Select and/or enter the criteria (see below) for which you want to generate a report. Limiting the Payment Range on all Payment Services reports is highly recommended.
3. If desired, select Show Invoice Detail (PDF only) to have invoice detail (e.g., all fiscal coding) printed on PDF reports. This option is not available on Audit reports. This option will print the invoice description if one is entered on the Distribute screen. Otherwise the invoice description on reports will come from the Invoice screen.
4. If desired, select an option in the Sort Options section. Sort options are not available on Audit reports.
Figure 1 - Reports criteria
Note the following:The Payment Range is the Payment Date (not to be confused with Payment Request Date). The application will search for all invoices with a Payment Date within the defined range.Limiting the Payment Range on any report is highly recommended.If there is a Group that has no active invoices associated with it, that group will not be available from the Group drop down menu.If no invoices exist for any given status, that status will not appear on the Report menu. When the invoice status is updated to Sent to Stars, the invoice Batch # and Batch date will also be updated on the report. Some Status definitions: Released for Payment - awaiting the Payment Request Date when it will be sent to STARS Sent to STARS - invoices that have been sent to STARSThe transaction code (Trans Code), Index, or PCA drop down menus will display only those codes that have been used in Payment Services for your agency (i.e., they will not display all codes possible).
Note the following:
Some Status definitions:
5. In the Searchable Fields section, you do not have to type the complete information. For example you only have to type the first few letters of a vendor name to get a report that finds all vendors beginning with what you have typed. You can also use the percent symbol (%) as a wildcard.
6. Click PDF Report, TXT Report, or CSV Report. Reports are then generated and displayed in their respective format. Audit reports are generated only in PDF.