Find Processed Invoices
Process Reports of Payment Services allows agencies to view any invoice (and its attachments) that has been “Sent to STARS”. There are two ways to find a Processed Invoice:
1. From the Payment Servcies main menu, select Processed Invoices.
2. Choose the criteria to search by. At least one of the following is required, otherwise a message will indicate that one of the primary search criteria is required - Batch Date, Batch #, Invoice #, Vendor #, or Vendor Name.
Figure 1 - Search criteria
3. Click Find.
Figure 3 - Search results
4. Click View next to an invoice number. The details of the invoice(s) will be displayed, including the fiscal coding, line items etc.
Figure 4 - Invoice detail
5. Click View in the History column next to a line item of the invoice to view when it was authorized, disbursed (coded), and approved.
Figure 5 - Approval history
6. While on the Invoice view, click the Attachments tab to view any scanned documents that have been attached to the invoice.
Two reports are available – Invoice Reports and Audit Reports. You cannot view attachments from either of these reports.
The Audit Reports have the same search criteria as Invoice Reports, except that they are available in PDF format only, and there are no sorting options. Audit Reports display the approval history of an invoice (the approver’s names, the approval levels that have been completed, and the dates the approvals were completed) the invoice number, invoice and payment dates, vendor name, document number, PO number, Group, and the disbursed and total amounts.
1. From the Payment Services main menu, select Invoice, then click the Reports tab
2. Click the Reports tab.
3. Select either Invoice Report or Audit Report.
4. Choose criteria to search by - be sure to select Sent to STARS from the Status drop down menu.
5. Select a Sort Option if needed.
Figure 6 - Search criteria
4. Click PDF Report, TXT Report, or CSV Report. Audit reports are generated in PDF only.