User Report
This report lists your agency’s P-Card users and their role (Verifier or Approver), card number, PCA/Index, agency or organization, etc. Users that are also set up in another agency (e.g., auditors) will display their role in the other agency and the name of that agency.
1. Click Reports on the P-Card Admin menu.
Figure 1 - Reports
To generate a User Report, select a Status (Active, NonActive, or All Users) and a Security (Verifier, Verifier All, Approver...etc), and then click the desired file format. The Security options include:
The PDF version shows the location code and description, indicates if both users and card numbers are active or inactive, and will show the user’s "security". The CSV version will only show the user names, e-mail address, the active flag, and the approval level.
Figure 2 - User Report example