P-Card Fiscal Code Fields
The fiscal code fields and elements on the transaction grid are described below:
Figure 1 - Verifier transaction grid example
Figure 2 - Approver transaction grid example
Split - Split scissors icon. Splits the transmittal into individual lines so they can be distributed between funding sources.
Figure 3 - Split icon example
Appr - Approver Audit Trail plus sign icon. Expand to display the approver names and dates of the approvals
Figure 4 - Approver audit trail icon example
Ve checkbox (see Figure 1) - Verify. Select the checkbox to mark the transmittal as verified.
Approver check box (See Figure 2) - will be abbreviated according to whatever the agency named the approval levels, e.g. Lev or Appr).
Pe checkbox (see Figure 1) - Posted/Pending. Indicates transactions that your P-Card administrator has flagged as posted pended. The final approval will automatically create adjustments in STARS for these transactions.
TranDate - Transaction Date as recorded by VISA. The actual day of the purchase made by the cardholder. Field cannot be modified.
Amount - Transaction Amount. The Transaction Amount cannot be modified. However, you can split the transaction into multiple transactions.
Vendor - The Merchant name as recorded in and downloaded from the bank. Field cannot be modified.
VendorID - The Vendor Federal ID numberas recorded in and entered by the bank. (See STARS Vendor Number)
Sfx - Vendor suffix. A two-digit field that defaults to 00 with the Federal ID number recorded with the bank. The suffix field may be modified prior to posting to STARS.
PCA - Program Cost Account. The default PCA assigned by the agency’s P-Card administrator at the time the card was issued. This field can be modified with a PCA defined within the PCA table by your administrator.
INDEX - Index Code. The default Index assigned by the agency’s P-Card administrator at the time the card was issued. This field can be modified with a Index defined within the Index table by your administrator.
BFY - Budget Fiscal Year. By default the current fiscal year will be the BFY. If the transaction is related to a prior year encumbrance, change the BFY to the correct fiscal year. An Encumbrance Number and the Suffix must also be entered.
Sub - Expenditure Subobject. The default Expenditure Subobject based on the Merchant Category Code (MCC). Can be changed.Subobject numbers are automatically matched to the transaction’s MCC code provided by VISA. If no match is found, the Subobject field displays 9999. Change this to a valid subobject for that vendor and transaction.
Dtl - Two-digit Expenditure Subobject Detail Code.
STARS Vend - STARS Vendor Number. The STARS Vendor Number is not required. If one is not entered, the P-Card Generic Vendor Number “PCARD0000PC” is added to the transactions that are uploaded to STARS. Enter a STARS vendor number and suffix only if you do not want the generic vendor on transactions in STARS.
Sfx - STARS Vendor Number Suffix. Required if a STARS Vendor Number is present.
CI - Capitalization Indicator. Use this column to identify inventory or fixed assets purchased with Operating funds (expenditure subobjects in the 5000 range) or for work in progress Capital Outlay expenditures (expenditure subobjects in the 6000 range).Inventoriable assets purchased with a Capital Outlay expenditure subobject (6000 range) do not require this as they are handled automatically in STARS. Blank - Default setting and most frequently used. F - Inventoriable asset will create a record in FAS. W - Construction in Progress.
Grant - Grant Code. The Grant Code or, if the PCA/Index has a default Grant/Grant Phase, the Grant field will automatically fill.
Ph - Grant Phase Code. The Grant Phase or, if the PCA/Index has a default Grant/Grant Phase, the Grant Phase field will automatically fill.
Project - Project Code. The Project Code or, if the PCA/Index has a default Project/Project Phase, the Project field will automatically fill. NOTE: End-dated Project can be entered, so if used, the transmittal will error when uploaded to STARS and must be corrected in STARS.
Ph - Project Phase Code. The Project Phase Code or, if the PCA/Index has a default Project/Project Phase, the Project Phase Code field will automatically fill.
Encumb - Encumbrance Number. The eight-character encumbrance number or reference document number if the spending authority for this transaction was previously encumbered.
Sfx - Encumbrance Number Suffix. The two-character Encumbrance Number Suffix if an Encumbrance Number was entered.
Fund - Fund. This field is automatically filled in based on the PCA or Index. The Fund will update if the PCA or Index is changed. Field cannot be modified.
Dtl - Fund Detail. This field is automatically filled in based on the default PCA or Index. Field cannot be modified but will update if the PCA or Index is changed.
Description - This is an optional field used to add descriptive information about the purchase. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \. The first 34 characters entered in Description will be uploaded to STARS and become public information.
Prop# - FAS Property Number. Any transaction with a Capitalization Indicator will require a property number or else it will err in STARS. If you do not want the transaction to interface to FAS, change the subobject.
Sfx - FAS Property Number Suffix (or aka component number). Any transaction with a Capitalization Indicator will require a property number and suffix or else it will err in STARS. If you do not want the transaction to interface to FAS, change the subobject.
GAAP - GAAP Indicator.
MPC - Multi-Purpose Code. For agency use as needed. It is also used for MER (miscellaneous encumbrance requisitions) documentation.
Location - Each agency defines this field as needed to group transactions together.
Facility - Each agency defines this field as needed to group transactions together.
Task - Each agency defines this field as needed to group transactions together.