How to Adjust P-Card Payments and Expenditures
You can adjust the P-Card Liability GL2105 expenditure before or after you have paid the bank, or you can adjust the STARS or Payment Services TC 28Z payment you have made to the bank.
When P-Card transactions are approved, uploaded, and posted to STARS, an expenditure is posted to the P-Card Liability GL2105. (GL2105 Liability does not affect Appropriations. The expenditures that post from the P-Card post to the Appropriation File.)
A. If you have paid the bank (P-Card transactions have been approved and the P-Card Liability has been realized), and need to make an adjustment, enter an expenditure adjustment in STARS using 27A and 27B transaction codes. You use these to make fiscal coding changes, such as the Subobject, Fund or Grant, to the expenditure. B. If you have not paid the bank, but P-Card transactions have been approved and the P-Card Liability GL2105 expenditure has been realized, enter a TC 228R in STARS to reverse the expenditure, and then enter a TC 228 in STARS with correct fiscal coding. You can then enter a TC 28Z payment to the bank in STARS or Payment Services, using the same fiscal coding as the corrected TC 228 transaction.
A. If you have paid the bank (P-Card transactions have been approved and the P-Card Liability has been realized), and need to make an adjustment, enter an expenditure adjustment in STARS using 27A and 27B transaction codes. You use these to make fiscal coding changes, such as the Subobject, Fund or Grant, to the expenditure.
B. If you have not paid the bank, but P-Card transactions have been approved and the P-Card Liability GL2105 expenditure has been realized, enter a TC 228R in STARS to reverse the expenditure, and then enter a TC 228 in STARS with correct fiscal coding. You can then enter a TC 28Z payment to the bank in STARS or Payment Services, using the same fiscal coding as the corrected TC 228 transaction.
When an expenditure posts to STARS, it debits 4200 and Credits 2105 – the expenditures reduces the appropriation at this point.
If corrections are needed for previous fiscal year transactions, then create a batch and:
Using TC 228 allows adjustments without affecting GL 1003 (Cash).
When the payment posts to STARS, it debits 2105 (relieves the liability) and credits 1003 (Cash).
If you have paid the bank using different (incorrect) fiscal coding than what has posted to the expenditure (P-Card Liability GL2105), use a TC 28YR to reverse the payment. Then enter as TC 28Y transaction with the correct fiscal coding.
The TC 28Y will debit the P-Card Liability GL2105, credit Cash GL1003, and will not create a warrant or EFT.
Final approved transactions in P-Card are batched and uploaded to STARS. All P-card batches are indicated in STARS by an asterisk, aka a “splat” batch. STARS validates the fiscal coding, so if any errors occur, an Edit Mode 3 batch is generated. The agency’s fiscal person must then make the corrections directly in STARS.
A common error relates to the batch effective date. The Batch Effective Date can be fixed in the STARS S054 screen. However, the easiest way to avoid errors related to the Effective Date is to use the Posted Pending process at the end of each month. The Posted Pending process will post all transactions in the correct month even if they are not approved. When these transactions are finally approved in P-Card, P-Card will automatically make the correct adjustments in STARS so that the transactions post with the proper fiscal coding.
If GL 2105 is "out of balance"' it is usually caused when a payment made to the bank uses a different Fund/Grant than the expenditure. Also, adjustments to P-Card expenditures made using the wrong TCs will affect GL 2105 balances.