Luma Update
For a brief update on Luma, see the Town Hall PowerPoint Presentation below. Click the icon in the right-hand corner of each video for full-screen viewing.
All demonstrations are presented in an Infor CloudSuite environment without State data or configurations. These demonstrations serve to show what is possible within the system, not what has been decided upon nor configured for the State.
Infor - Homepage and Navigation
Infor CloudSuite's homepage is configurable by role, every dashboard is selected by the user to give a quick view of the items of interest. Watch the following demonstration by an Infor representative to learn more about homepages and navigation.
Global Ledger will serve as the foundation for the State’s financial activities. Watch the following demonstration by an Infor representative to learn more about Infor CloudSuite Financials - Global Ledger and Financial Reporting.
Infor Financial Module - Global Ledger and Financial Reporting
Question and Answer Period
All answers during the Question and Answer period are based on system capabilities and may not reflect configuration decisions by the State.
The following questions were asked by attendees during the Town Hall.
Can you turn off the requirement to create an encumbrance when you are creating a requisition?
In the system, it can be configured to show as a pre-encumbrance until there is a purchase order or contract that commits those funds. You can create budgeting controls that are agency-specific to deal with these pre-encumbrances.
Very few employees have access to STARS, will there be greater access within the Luma system? Will there be greater visibility for all employees in the future?
The system is role-based and your visibility will be determined by those roles. Every state employee will be in this system using it based on their role.
The capability exists within the system to create dashboards on each employee's homepage with analytics that an end-user/employee may be interested in seeing in their specific area. This would be information relevant to the user's role.
Is there flexibility of state employees moving into another role temporarily to fulfill approvals?
Temporary in nature, for example, an individual is on vacation and a person needs to delegate their responsibilities while they are gone. You can delegate those responsibilities and approvals to other employees or employees for the role.
Vacancy: Moving into an acting position while a position is filled. Work assignments can be used temporarily to give a person full access to those roles and responsibilities. They can be revoked or work flowed to remain permanently as needed.
Is budgeting required within the system to be able to utilize the benefits of doing notes by line item or object in a budget detail?
Sherpa is the budget system we will be utilizing and it will interface into the Infor CloudSuite system.
Budget development to Global Ledger Budgeting is a symbiotic relationship that will allow you to put as much or little detail as is required within the state.
Notes and documents will be uploaded within the budget and can be continually viewed. Once your budget is approved you can utilize that same budget template for the next year and make the minor changes necessary and submit.
In the demonstration, you were showing a requisition auto entering coding defaulted to the person entering a requisition, what happens if you are requesting for another person?
The demonstrated functionality was requisition self-service which allows a user to have their information directly input on every requisition. Power requisition user is also a view that certain roles could utilize where you select the requester and their defaults will come into the transaction.