Internal Approver

Internal Approvers are not required, but are commonly used by agencies with pay locations.  Agencies can set up an Internal Approver for a specific pay location or agency wide.
An Internal Approver reviews documents before the Agency Signer.  This review is usually to verify documents are correct.  The Internal Approver has the option to add comments by using the 'Comments' button, disapprove documents or submit a document that does not require an agency signature.
Internal Approvers can view 'All Documents' for their agency, except those with a Document Status = 'Draft'.

From views, to get the documents that need to be reviewed, click on the 'Internal Approver' button.

Internal Approvers will have the following options available when opening a document that requires an agency signature.  Documents that do not require an agency signature will have a 'Submit' button for the Internal Approver.  By pressing the 'Submit' button, the document is routed to the Division of Statewide Payroll (DSP) for processing.  Internal Approvers can also 'Disapprove' documents (comments are required).
Payroll and Personnel changes

Position Control Change

If an Internal Approver is also an Authorized Signer and a document is in a status of Awaiting-Agency-Approval, IPOPS will display the Authorized Signature options. These dual role employees will not need to log on for both roles and internally approve a document and then get back into the document to be the signer.
If a user is an Authorized Originator as well as an Internal Approver, the system will allow them to have access to all the views and actions that pertain to them with just one user name. They will be able to log on, create a document and approve it without ever logging off. The Authorized Originator/Internal Approver can use the All Documents view to open any document.