Grant Reports
Reports can be run in IBIS that will show your agency Grants. In Online Reporting on the SCO Web site, DAFR Reports (below) are available.
The Grant Control Table Listing
Shows a listing of all Grants set up on the Grant Control (29) Table.
Descriptor Table Report
D40 – Listing of all CFDA catalog numbers on STARS.
D47 – Listing of all Grant titles.
Trial Balance by Grant and Grant Phase
Shows the financial status of the Grant across all funds. (See DAFR8160 for detail by fund.)
Grant Revenues and Expenditures by Grant/Fund
Will summarize to the Grant level if desired.
Grant Revenues and Expenditures by Fund/Grant
Summary report showing revenues and expenditures based on how your controls post the information to the Grant file.
Trial Balance by Fund/Grant and Grant Phase
Shows the financial status of the Grant by Fund.
Trial Balance By Fund, GL Acct, & Transaction Code
Shows the financial status of the Grant broken down by GL account and transaction code. Includes the Grant Phase level.
Grant Transaction Analysis
Detail report showing all transactions for a period based on Grant number.
Other reports that can be ordered to the Grant level, but only have Grant Phase information in the Data area (not split by Grant) include:
Grant Control Purge Indicator Report
Shows all Grants regardless of the type of purge indicator. Used to indicate changes needed to the PI (purge indicator) field on the Grant Control Table. PIs need to be 'Y' to purge the Grant.
Grant Control Purge Report
Lists all Grants with a purge indicator of “Y". Grants that have a balance in the cash control, general ledger, or document file will not purge. If not, this report shows the GL accounts that you need to clear before the end of the fiscal year so that the system can purge the Grant. (Note: SCO sets up on the 91 screen and submits a run through DM using DA809192.)