Find Assets Using Online Inquiry​

FAS online inquires allow you to view posted FAS records and make some changes to them. Disposed assets will be viewable in the FAS Property Maintenance/Inquiry screen for three years (prior to the current fiscal year). Three years after disposition, they will be purged from FAS during Fiscal Year End processing. FAS assets can also be found in IBIS.

Open the Online Inquiry Screens

To make FAS inquiries, you must have proper security access. If you need access to the FAS Online Inquiry, contact your agency's STARS system administrator.

The FAS Main Menu example below illustrates the various Inquiry screens available under the INQUIRY section. Some are also available under the MAINTENANCE/INQUIRY section.

To open an inquiry screen, enter the two-character screen number in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER. For example, type 40 in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER to open the PROPERTY MAINT/INQUIRY screen.

Figure 1:  FAS Main Menu inquiry screen locations

VERSION 3.1                    FAS--MAIN MENU                            S015                                                                            


      DATA ENTRY                                                                       INQUIRY                                                                                                     

  32 HOLD FILE                                                              39 NON FINANCIAL HISTORY               

  33 STARS TO FAS DATA ENTRY                            43 FAS FINANCIAL HISTORY               

  35 FAS DIRECT DATA ENTRY                                4C PROP BY CLASS CODE                  

                                                                                        4L PROP BY LOCATION1                   

                                                                                        4P PROP BY PROPERTY NUMBER             

                                                                                       4S PROP BY AGY SFX AND PROP NUM        

                                                                                       4T PROP BY LICENSE NUMBER              

      MAINTENANCE/INQUIRY                                  4U PROP BY SERIAL NUMBER               

  40 PROPERTY MAINT/INQUIRY                                                        

  41 MASS CHANGE                                                                TABLE MAINTENANCE



  45 INQUIRE ON FUNDING CHANGES                  38 FAS LOCATION1 TABLE                 

Select an Asset

The FAS inquiry screens that allow you to select a specific asset include the following:

  • S04C- Property by Class Code Inquiry
  • S04L - Property by Location 1 Inquiry
  • S04P - Property Number Inquiry (From the S040 screen you can press F3 to go to the Property Number Inquiry screen.)
  • S04S - Property by Agency Suffix Inquiry
  • S04T - Property by License Number Inquiry
  • S04U - Property by Serial Number Inquiry

1.        Type the screen number in the FUNCTION field at the FAS Main Menu and press ENTER.

2.        Type R in the FUNCTION field and any other information unique to the particular inquiry screen (for example, the Class Code), and press ENTER. A list of asset records will be     displayed. NOTE: The information unique for the particular screen, e.g., a license number, is optional. If left blank, the inquiry will display results in alphanumeric order. To page through the records, type N (Next) or P (Previous) in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.

3.        Type an S in the FUNCTION field, and then press TAB until you reach the blank space next to the desired record.

4.        Type either an S or X next to the record you want to select, and press ENTER.  

 Figure 2:  FAS Property by Class Code Inquiry

VERSION 3.1              FAS PROPERTY BY CLASS CODE INQUIRY                        S04C                                                                               

FUNCTION:     S         (R=RECALL, N=NEXT, P=PREVIOUS, S=SELECT)                           

AGENCY: 999       CLASS CODE:  1510          CLASS CD SFX:                               

STATUS: A   (A=ACTIVE, D=DISPOSED)                                                          CAP  AGY        

  PROP NO/COMP            DESCRIPTION                                                    STAT   IND  SFX  LOCAT1

_ 0000019742 00               HAND CART                                                        U            I      04      01338 

x 0000019826 00               HAND CART                                                        U            I      04      01338 

_ 0000020124 00               GENERAL HAND CART                                    U            I      04       01338 

_ 0000020308 00              4 WHEEL FLATBED WAREHOUSE CAR         U            I      04      01338 

_ 0000229041 00               HAND CART                                                        U            I      04      01338 


Z07 NEXT RECORD SUCCESSFULLY READ                                              

END OF CLASS CODE                                                             

By default, each of the inquiry screens will list only active assets. To display disposed assets, enter D in the STATUS field.

5.        After pressing ENTER, the Property Maintenance/Inquiry screen S040 will open for the selected asset. Press F3 to return to the inquiry screen.

S040 - Property Maintenance/Inquiry Screen

Screen SO40 Property Maintenance/Inquiry screen will show a particular asset, Property, and Component number combination. You can also make changes to the property record from this screen, if your security level allows.

  1. Type 40 in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.
  2. Type R in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER. This will recall a list of records, in order by the Property Number. NOTE:  If you enter a specific Property and Component number, that record will be displayed at the top of the list of records.
  • If the record for the Property and/or Component numbers you entered does not exist, FAS displays the next available record.
  • If the record does not exist and no additional records exist, then an “END OF FILE" message will display.

      3.   Once results have been returned, you may page through the list of records by typing N (Next) or P (Previous) in the FUNCTION field and pressing ENTER.
           NOTE:  Press F3 to return to the Inquiry screen to select another record.

      4.   Type an S in the FUNCTION field, and then press TAB until you reach the blank space next to the desired record.

      5.    Type either an S or X next to the record you want to view, and then press ENTER. 

Figure 4:  FAS Property Record Maintenance/Inquiry Screen

VERSION 3.1                      FAS PROPERTY RECORD MAINTENANCE/INQUIRY                   S040 

 FUNCTION:              (N=NEXT, P=PREVIOUS, R=RECALL, C=CHANGE)                  

 AGENCY:                  PROPERTY NUMBER:                          COMPONENT NUMBER:           

 CM:       PM:       CP:       PP:       PY:       CUM:        ACTV:                       

AGY  SFX:           STATUS:              OWNRSHP:          CAP IND:           ACQ  DT:   

INSRV DT:          RSK MG:                 DSP MTH:        ACQ MTH:            DISP DT:    

CLASS CD:           CL SFX:                AGY MTH:           ST  MTH:          DEPR DT:   

INVNT DT:          U LIFE:                   COND CD:                   QTY:         QTY UNT:     

LOCAT  1:           DISP %:                          DESC:                                   

INS IND:       CURR DOC:                      PO NO  :                MODEL YR:           FR: 

LAST  NM:                      FIRST  :                                             MID INIT:            

SERIAL  :                      LICENSE:                                     ODOMETER:            

LOCAT  2:                      COMMENT:                                 

  ORIGINAL AMOUNT:                                       POSITIVE ADJ   :              

  STWD ACCUM DEPR:                                     NEGATIVE ADJ   :              

          DISPOSITIONS   :                                   SALVAGE VALUE  :              

       GAIN AMOUNT    :                                  REPLCMNT VALUE :              

       LOSS AMOUNT    :                                         AGY DISP ADJ   :              

   STWD LQDTD DEPR:                                 AGY ACCUM DEPR :              

  STWD BOOK VALUE:                                AGY BOOK VALUE :              

                     LAST-PROC-DATE:                                                INTERRUPT:                                                                            

PLEASE ENTER FUNCTION                                                   


Update the Property File

If you have the security level to change information on the Property record, type C in the FUNCTION field, enter the information you want to change, and then press F3 or ENTER.

Enter Period of Time Indicators

Screen S040 Property Maintenance/Inquiry Screen can inquire on cumulative financial amounts, or inquire by a specific period of time. The period of time indicators are:

  • CM - Current Month (amounts presented are through the current date)
  • PM - Prior Month (amounts presented are through the end of the previous month)
  • CP - Current Period (amounts presented are through the current date for the current fiscal   quarter)
  • PP - Prior Period (amounts presented are through the end of the previous fiscal quarter)
  • PY - Prior Year (amounts presented are through the end of the prior fiscal year)

Enter Cumulative or Activity Indicators

In addition to identifying the period of time, you can view financial amounts on an activity basis or on a cumulative basis. The indicators are:

  • CUM - Cumulative (amounts are inception-to-date, since the property was established in FAS)
  • ACTV - Activity (amounts presented are activity for the requested period of time only)

    The following examples illustrate how the selection of a period of time and the selection of cumulative or activity affect the presentation of the amount:
  • CM & CUM - The amounts presented are the inception-to-date amounts through the current month.
  • CM & ACTV - The only amounts presented are for the activity for the current month. If no    activity has occurred during the current month, zero values are shown.
  • PM & CUM - The amounts are the inception-to-date amounts through the end of the prior month.
  • PM & ACTV - The amounts presented are only for the activity for the prior month. If no   activity occurred during the prior month, zero values are displayed 

    NOTE:  When you first access any inquiry screen, the default period of time is CM (the current month) and CUM (cumulative), reflecting cumulative amounts through the current date

S045 - Funding Source History Inquiry

Screen S045 shows the record of the funding source history of a specific asset.

  1. Type 45 in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.
  2. Type R in the FUNCTION field, enter the agency number (if necessary), enter the desired Property and Component number, and press ENTER.
  • If the record for the Property and/or Component numbers you entered does not exist, FAS displays the next available record.
  • If the record does not exist and no additional records exist, then an “END OF FILE" message will display.

      3.  Once results have been returned, you may page through the list of records by typing N (Next) or P (Previous) in the FUNCTION field and pressing ENTER.

S04L - Property by Location Inquiry

Screen S04L (Property by Location 1 Inquiry) shows Property and Component numbers related to a specific Location 1 code. (To display disposed assets, type D in the STATUS field.)

  1. Type 4L in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.
  2. Type R in the FUNCTION field, enter a Location 1 code (optional), and press ENTER. NOTE:  Enter a Property and a Component number to display that specific asset first in the list of records.
  • If the record for the Location 1 code entered does not exist, FAS displays the next available Location in the FAS Property File.
  • If the record does not exist and no additional records exist, an “END OF FILE" message will be displayed.

      3. Once a list of assets is displayed, you may page through the list of records by typing N (Next) or P (Previous) in the FUNCTION field and pressing ENTER. 

S04P - Property Number Inquiry

Screen S04P (Property Number Inquiry) shows Property and Component numbers in numerical order of the Property number. The STATUS field automatically lists active assets. (If you want to see disposed assets, type D in the STATUS field.)

  1. Type 4P in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.
  2. Type R in the FUNCTION field, enter the agency number (if necessary), enter the desired Property and Component numbers, and press ENTER.
  • If the record for the Property and/or Component numbers entered does not exist, FAS displays the next available record.
  • If the record does not exist and no additional records exist, then an “END OF FILE" message will display.

     3.  Once a list of assets is displayed, you may page through the list of records by typing N (Next) or P (Previous) in the FUNCTION field and pressing ENTER. 

S04T - Property by License Number Inquiry

Screen S04T (FAS Property by License Number Inquiry) shows Property and Component numbers related to license numbers. (To see disposed assets, type D in the STATUS field.)

  1. Type 4T in the FUNCTION field.
  2. Type R in the FUNCTION field, enter the agency number, enter a specific license number (optional), and press ENTER.
  • If the record for the License Number entered does not exist, FAS displays searches for the next available License Number in the FAS Property File and displays the record.
  • If the record does not exist and no additional records exist, then an “END OF FILE" message will display.

     3.  Once a list of assets is displayed, you may page through the list of records by typing N (Next) or P (Previous) in the FUNCTION field and pressing ENTER.                                                                    

S04U - Property by Serial Number Inquiry

The purpose of screen S04U (FAS Property by Serial Number Inquiry) is to present Property and Component numbers for a specific serial number. (To view disposed assets, type D in the STATUS field.)

  1. Type 4U in the FUNCTION field.
  2. Type R in the FUNCTION field, enter the agency number (if necessary), enter a specific serial number (optional), and then press ENTER.
  • If the record for the Serial Number entered does not exist, FAS searches for the next available Serial Number in the FAS Property File and displays the record.
  • If the record does not exist and no additional records exist, then an “END OF FILE" message will display.

      3.  Once a list of assets is displayed, you may page through the list of records by typing N (Next) or P (Previous) in the FUNCTION field and pressing ENTER

S039 - Non Financial History Inquiry

Screen S039 (Non Financial History Inquiry) shows all the non-financial changes posted to an asset. The S039 screen displays the date any changes were made, the field(s) affected, and what information was on the record prior to the last change.

  1. Type 39 in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.
  2. Type R in the FUNCTION field, enter the agency number (if necessary), enter the desired Property and Component number, and press ENTER.
  • If the record for the Property and/or Component numbers you entered does not exist, FAS displays the next available record.
  • If the record does not exist and no additional records exist, then an “END OF FILE" message will display.

      3.  Once results have been returned, you may page through the list of records by typing N (Next) or P (Previous) in the FUNCTION field and pressing ENTER 

S043 - Financial History Inquiry

Screen S043 shows the record of the financial history of a particular asset.

  1. Type 43 in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.
  2. Type R in the FUNCTION field, enter the agency number (if necessary), enter the desired Property number, and press ENTER.
  • If the record for the Property number you entered does not exist, FAS displays the next available record.
  • If the record does not exist and no additional records exist, then an “END OF FILE" message will display.

      3.  Once results have been returned, you may page through the list of records by typing N (Next) or P (Previous) in the FUNCTION field and pressing ENTER.                                                                                                                        

S04C - Property by Class Code Inquiry

Screen S04C (Property by Class Code Inquiry) shows Property and Component numbers related to a specific Class Code and Class Code Suffix. (To view disposed assets, type D in the STATUS field.)

  1. Type 4C in the FUNCTION field and press ENTER.
  2. Type R in the FUNCTION field, enter the agency number (if necessary), enter a specific class code (optional), and press ENTER.
  • If the record for the class code and class code suffix you entered does not exist, FAS displays the record, in order of next class code and class code suffix, in the FAS Property File.
  • If the record does not exist and no additional records exist, then an “END OF FILE" message will display.

     3.   Once results have been returned, you may page through the list of records by typing N (Next) or P (Previous) in the FUNCTION field and pressing ENTER.

S04S - Property by Agency Suffix Inquiry

Screen S04S (FAS Property by Agy Sfx and Prop Num Inquiry) shows Property and Component numbers related to an Agency Suffix. (To view disposed assets, type D in the STATUS field.)

  1. Type 4S in the FUNCTION field.
  2. Type R in the FUNCTION field, enter the agency number, enter a specific agency suffix (optional), and press ENTER.
  • If the record for the Agency and Agency Suffix entered does not exist, FAS displays the next available record.
  • If the record does not exist and no additional records exist, then an “END OF FILE" message will display

     3.  Once a list of assets is displayed, you may page through the list of records by typing N (Next) or P (Previous) in the FUNCTION field and pressing ENTER.