Hold File Error Codes
The following describes some of the error codes or messages you may encounter on the FAS Hold File. To look up other error codes:
Error Code
Error Message
If you attempt to recall a real property using screen 33A, error message AH15 is returned.
Every property in the FAS hold file is assigned one of two property types as follows:
P - personal property
R - real property
Screens 33A and 33B can be used to recall FAS hold file records that were originally entered in STARS as follows:
Screen 33A - personal property
Screen 33B - real property
When adding new property numbers in a multiple asset situation, the funding sources entered on the new property must match any of the funding sources on the reference property number (original property number).
Note: Index and PCA are ignored on this edit.
To correct the error, review the funding sources entered and correct the funding sources to match the funding sources on the reference property record.
Remaining amount is not equal to zero. This occurs when all monies in a multi-asset transaction have not been allocated properly to multiple funds. Amounts extracted from STARS must be 100% allocated by funding source in FAS.
(F7 Funding Source & F8 Optional Fund Source should equal the child amount.)