Employer Insurance Certifications- OGI Actions

Purpose: This action is used to certify that eligible employees have been offered health insurance in compliance with the Affordable Care Act.  Agencies will be required to certify that eligible employees have been offered health insurance, however the Office of Group Insurance will also have the ability to update an employee's Tier Level and Certification of Insurance Offered, as well as health , dental, and life insurance eligibility.



Fields that are mandatory will have yellow font and must be completed before the document can be submitted.

Effective Date - This is the date the action is to become effective.  The effective date can be entered or selected using the calendar icon and must be equal to or greater than the employee's latest hire date and cannot be less than the current pay period begin date.

All fields are required when completing the Employer Insurance Certification. 


Certification of Insurance Offered –OGI is acknowledging they have notified the employee of insurance eligibility.

Note: The certification must match the tier level that was selected. If the tiers do not match the user will receive the following error message "Certification of Insurance Offered does not match the Tier Level. For additional information please click on the Help button."


This document does not require an authorized signature. To send this document directly to the Division of Statewide Payroll (DSP), click the 'SUBMIT' button. The document will be in an 'Awaiting-Release' status.