From the left navigation frame, an employee may choose to enter time for the current pay period or one of the twenty five (25) additional pay periods. To enter time for a different pay period, click on the drop-down arrow and select the correct time frame.
The time sheet will load as shown below.
The following employee information is displayed at the top of the time sheet:
Termed Employees - Employees who are terminating or changing positions will have a 'POS Term Date' displayed in red and they will not be able to enter time after that date. The days after the termination date cannot be edited. Future time sheets will be deleted.
Entering Time:
Click on the first line of time where it asks for Time Code.
Select the type of time
Selecting a time code can be done by:
Typing the time code in (type ahead feature is in place) Or by clicking on the drop-down arrow and selecting the Time Code from the list.
For Time Code descriptions, click on the down arrow to the right of the Time Code field.
Tab to each day and enter the appropriate number of hours.
Time Code selection:
Time Code Description:
How to code less than one hour
You can enter 8 or 8.0, if you enter 8 and press tab key, the system will enter it as 8.0. The system will only accept one decimal place. If you enter 4.25 hours, 4.2 will be displayed; the last character will be dropped.
If more than 24.0 hours is entered into a field (unless using time codes CPP, OCP, RHP, SFT or VCP), the following error message will be displayed. "You Cannot Enter More Than 24 hrs For One Day".
Employees eligible for a payoff may enter more than 24.0 hours in a field when using Time Codes CPP, OCP, RHP, SFT or VCP. When entering more than 24 hours using these time codes, the following warning message will be displayed. "WARNING: You Have Entered More than 24 hrs For One Day".
Continue entering time and tabbing through each day, entering the appropriate number of hours for the Time Code selected.
Most employees will start with (ACT) Actual Time Worked
Note: Any hours worked over 40 should be entered as OTD.
Hours will be totaled at the end of each row and the bottom of the column. Use these totals to verify the hours for time by time code, by day and by week.
Cost Center
A cost center is required for users who belong to more than one TEL and must be selected for each applicable row (by clicking on a drop down arrow). A cost center must be entered for all time codes, including leave codes. Users who belong to only one TEL will not have the option to select a cost center.
Activity Code
An activity code is required for all users and must be selected for each applicable row (by clicking on a drop down arrow). Users who belong to more than one TEL will see the activity codes associated with the cost center they've selected. An activity code must be selected for all hours worked.
CC Activity Code
The CC Activity Code is a three-digit numeric code that is informational for the managers but entered by the employee. This field is optional.
Additional lines of time
A time code can appear on multiple lines to allow for different cost centers and activity codes. Tab past the 'Total' for the row to enter a cost center or activity code if needed.
A few of the common codes are:
ACT - Actual Hours Worked
VAC - Vacation Leave Taken
SIC - Sick Leave Taken
HOL - Holiday Pay (State Holidays will be identified by a red box on the day you should enter these hours.) There are different Time codes if you work on the holiday depending on your FLSA codes.
CPT - Comp Time Taken
If an employee codes more leave than is in their available balance, the payroll system uses defaults to ensure the employee has exhausted all applicable leave balances before converting to leave without pay.
Use this link for a complete list of Time Codes and Leave Defaults.
Total Hours Hours for both weeks will be totaled under week two
Override fields will not be used by DOL.
Submitting your time:
You have the option to:
Save – Will save what you currently have entered and will allow you to enter time, make changes later or add comments later. If a time sheet is 'Saved' and not 'Submitted', it will be archived with a status of 'Incomplete'.
Submit – Will submit the time sheet as it is, and send to the Approver, Reviewer or the Central Payroll Officer (CPO). If your agency uses the Leave/Overtime Request, you cannot submit your time sheet until the Leave/Overtime Request has been approved. An error message will be displayed until the request has been approved. After a time sheet has been submitted you will be able to make changes until the review is completed or the time sheet has been approved.
Comments – An employee can add comments to their own time sheet. An approver or CPO can also add comments to the employee's time sheet.
Reset – Will not save any current changes, it will reset the time sheet to the last time it was saved. If a time sheet has never been saved the time sheet will return to its original blank form.
Status – At the bottom of the page there is a status section that will allow you to view your time sheet and know where it is in the approval process. The status section will be similar to the image displayed below.
Audit Trail and Status:
Time Sheet Statuses
Employee time sheets will be submitted, approved and processed by DOL at the end of each week. After Week 1 Internal Approval has been done, time sheets that were in Week One Complete status will be returned to draft status.
At the end of week 2, time sheets will be submitted by DOL to the State Controller's Office for payroll processing. Once payroll is processed, time sheets will no longer be able to be edited and can be viewed by clicking on "View/Print Reports".
If the time sheet is submitted on behalf of the employee for week 2 without their signature, or with changes, the next time they log on after payroll has processed, a 'Time Sheet Nofication' will be displayed. This will not occur if a time sheet is submitted on their behalf for week 1.
Unsigned Time Sheets
Time Submitted to Payroll:
After week 2 payroll processing is submitted and time sheets are uploaded, a section called Time Submitted to Payroll is added to the bottom of the time sheet. For more information please contact your Central Payroll Officer (CPO).
Possible Error Messages During Time Entry:
Warning: Activity Code is not allowed when entering leave. This message displays on Save, Submit, and Approve when an employee belongs to multiple TELs and has coded leave, a cost center, and an activity code. Multi-cost center employees must charge their time to the cost center they would have worked on the day of their leave.
Note: If a multi-cost center employee enters an activity code then selects Save, Submit, or Approve, a message will display and the activity code will be removed.
Activity Code XXXXXX, is not valid after XX/XX/XXXX. This message displays on Save, Submit, and Approve when time is coded to an expired activity code.
Activity Code XXXXXX, is not valid before XX/XX/XXXX. This message displays on Save, Submit, and Approve when time is coded to an activity code before the start date of the activity code.
Activity Code is required for Week 'X' Line 'X'. This message displays on Save, Submit and Approve as an error to require an activity code for all hours worked. If an activity code is used with a leave code a message will be displayed and all activity codes will be removed.
Cost Center is required for Week 'X' Line 'X'. This message displays on Save, Submit and Approve as an error to require a cost center for all hours worked. Only multi-TEL employees will receive this error.
CC Activity Code must be three digits. This message displays on Save, Submit, and Approve as an error to require only three numeric digits.
Absences from work in excess of 1/2 day should not be reported as executive leave. Appropriate leave code (SIC, VAC, etc) should be reported. For additional information, please click on the Help button. This message displays on Save, Submit or Approve as an error when an FLSA E employee uses EXE for more than half of the work day.
Absences from work less than or equal to 1/2 a day should be reported as EXE (executive leave). This message will display on Save, Submit, and Approve when an FLSA E employee uses a leave code for less than half of the workday.
Leave in Week 'X' can only be entered up to 'XX' hours. For additional information, please click on the Help button. Press OK to continue, Cancel to correct. This message displays on Submit or Approve as a warning when leave is coded more than the calculated maximum (pay period hours divided by 2) for the week. This message works with multiple rows of leave coded.
Note: This message displays as a warning because Executive employees can enter 30 hours in one week and 50 hours in the other. They can only have 80 hours a pay period, but are not limited on how those hours are coded weekly.
Overtime may not be entered until hours worked exceed 40. For additional information, please click on the Help button. This message displays on Submit or Approve as an error when hours worked are less than or equal to 40 hours and an overtime code has been used.
Hours worked in Week 'X' exceeds 'XX', 'XX' hours must be reported as overtime. For additional information, please click on the Help button. This message displays on Submit or
Approve as an error when hours worked is greater than 40 and overtime is not coded with an overtime code.
Note: Overtime is calculated on 40 hours per week for part-time and full-time employees, not half their pay period hours.
Logging Off:
Click 'Log Off' in the lower left hand corner
To go to another SCO application, click on the Applications Menu.