Disaster Recovery

Purpose:  A mechanism for employees to be paid in case a disaster prevents their agency from submitting their time to the Controller’s Office. The process will generate payroll transactions with a special earnings code ‘DIS’.
The ‘DIS’ earnings will be created only for employees who meet all of the following criteria.
  • Employees have to be in Pay Group 01, these are employees that get paid every two weeks and do not work for a University.
  • Employees have to have a Full Time Equivalent (FTE) of 1.00 (100%), these employees work 12 months per calendar year.
  • Employees have to be coded to work 40 to 80 hours per pay period.
  • Employees have to be Time Sheet Required  - 'Y', these employees must turn in their time in order to get paid.
  • Employees have to be 'A' active or 'B' inactive with pay.
  • Employees have to be an Hourly employee, these employees are not treated like an employee who would be on a set salary.
The generating of ‘DIS’ earnings will be controlled by the Division of Statewide Payroll (DSP).  Before the payroll is ran to create payroll transactions, DSP will determine if 'DIS' earnings is necessary for all state agencies or specific agencies/pay locations.  Report AU449930.DRERN will be available for agencies using online reporting.