Current Disposal Items

Current Disposal Items

Purpose: To allow for agencies to properly remove items that are no longer of use from inventory or FAS systems.

Form Location:, application menu "Dispose or Declare of Surplus Property"

Only the following individuals will have access to the declaration and disposal forms:

  • Heads of Agency
  • Head of Agency designee
  • Individuals who have been granted access through a security request.

Head of Agency/ Director Authorization

  • Approved - Director approves this disposal. Request has been sent to SCO for retention. The Surplus Property Administrator will receive an email when the form changes to this status.
  • Disapproved - Director does not approve of the disposal request. Request has been sent back to the Surplus Property Administrator for corrections. The Surplus Property Administrator will receive an email when the document changes to this status.

Audit Trail – Anytime a form is submitted or approved, disapproved or sent back to the agency the action will be documented on the 'audit trail'.