Status Screen
The Cash Receipts Status screen displays receipt documents that have been entered and saved in the application.
All saved or submitted Deposits or saved Documents must be selected from the Status screen to open them in the Deposits, Distribute, or Approval screen, or to add attachments in the Attachments screen.
New deposits are entered directly on the Deposits screen.
There are three parts of the Status screen:
Figure 1 - Status screen example
Click a column header of the Deposits or Documents list to sort it.
1. Select or enter search criteria (e.g., Document #, Status, Tran Code (Transaction Code, etc.).
2. You can search by a Group name by selecting a name from the drop down menu.
3. Click Find.
4. If necessary, click Reset to reset the search criteria to the defaults.
1. Click the Deposit link to open the Deposits screen. Use this to open a deposit that is In Progress and that you need to complete. (A deposit that has been submitted cannot be changed.)
2. Complete the deposit and then click Deposit Complete.
3. Click the Document link to open the Distribute screen. Use this to create a Cash Receipts document from a Deposit that has been saved and completed.
Figure 2 - Example of Links to open deposits
Once you have located a document, click Select next to it to open the document and complete the process indicated in the Status column. If you do not have appropriate permissions to open a document, a message will be displayed stating so.
Figure 3 – Select to open documents example
1. Click Select next to a document with a Status of Awaiting Receipt Distribution or Receipt Distribution in Progress to complete cash receipt distribution and/or fiscal coding. This will open the document in the Distribute screen.
2. Click Select next to a document with a Status of Awaiting Approval Level to open a cash receipts document that needs to be approved (according to your agency’s approval process). This will open the document in the Approval screen. The Approval Level name will be determined by your agency Cash Receipts administrator.
3. If the status is Returned by STO, click Select to open the document in the Documents screen. Then click STO Notes to view any notes that STO may have entered for you.