Administrative Tasks
The Cash Receipts administrator can:
Click the Agency tab to set up and maintain various features of the application specific to your agency, such as the names and number of the approval levels, e-mail notification, etc.
Figure 1 - Example of Agency options 1. Enter the number of approval levels needed by your agency in the Approval Level field, and then press ENTER. Up to five levels can be created.
2. Type Header names for the approval levels. Do not use special characters or symbols, such as &,',“,<,and \.
3. Check or uncheck the Email Notification check box. This enables an e-mail notifications to be sent to approvers when Cash Receipts are completed and when they are released from the Cash Receipts Application.
4. Select the Default Tab which will set the screen that opens when users launch the Cash Receipts application.
5. Enter the Batch Range to define the range of batch numbers that will be automatically assigned. The first batch number will begin with the first number in this range. To prevent agency J and I batches from conflicting with those created by the State Treasurer’s Office (STO), use batch numbers in the 001-899 range.
6. Click Update.
1. On the User Maint tab, click Find New User.
2. Type the last name or first name of the new user in the Last Name or First Name field. (You can type the first few letters of a user’s name if you are not sure exactly how it is spelled.)
Figure 2 - Find new user screen
3. Click Find. If the user cannot be found, contact your payroll administrator to make sure that the person has been added to state payroll records.
4. Click Select next to the user’s name to add and then click OK to confirm adding the user.
5. Select Active Cash Receipts User to give the user access to the Cash Receipts application when they log in to the SCO applications Web site.
6. Select the security or roles that you want to assign to the user. The security or roles include:
7. Click Add User. (If you decide not to add the user, click Cancel).
Figure 3 – Example of User options
In addition to the user setup described above, the Department of Financial Management (DFM) Cash Receipts administrator should also select DFM Release for those users who will be able to release transactions that have been routed to them. Typically certain transactions, such as payroll reimbursements, will generate an e-mail automatically to DFM Cash Receipts users, who can then log on to the application to review and release those transactions.
Figure 4 - Example of DFM user setup
Because the State Treasurer’s Office (STO) can create deposits for other agencies, the user setup differs from other agencies.
Figure 5 - Example of STO user setup
Administrators are responsible for maintaining or updating the users of the application.
1. On the User Maint screen, click Select next to the name of the user. (By default, only active users are displayed.)
2. To view non-active users, select Non Active. To view active and non-active users, select All Users.
Figure 6 - User Maintenance screen list of users
3. Uncheck Active Cash Receipts User if you do not want the user to have access to application when they log in to the SCO applications Web site.
4. Select or change the security or roles that you want to assign to the user (see above).
5. Click Update User.
Group is simply an optional tag to help categorize the invoices so they can be searched for or used for creating categorized reports. A Group name is useful if, for example, there are approvers who are responsible for approving only certain invoices, e.g., utilities. You could create a group called “Utilities” and all invoices labeled “Utilities” could easily be found on the Status screen.
1. Type a name for the group and then click Add. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \.
2. Administrators will be able to add new groups, edit existing group names and delete groups.
Figure 7 - Group maintenance screen
The Cash Receipts administrator cannot change the e-mail address of a user. Instead, each user is responsible for updating their e-mail address. The user must log on to the Statewide Accounting System menu, and then:
1. Click Edit next to the e-mail address.
2. Enter the correct e-mail address.
3. Click Save. The user may have to log off and log on in order to see the change.