Agency Descriptor Tables​

​The titles and other descriptive information of both agency-specific and statewide fiscal codes are maintained in the FAS descriptor tables. These can be viewed on the FAS Descriptor Table Maintenance/Inquiry screen S030.

​In addition to storing descriptive titles and information, the Descriptor Tables contain all of the valid codes used in the system. Thus, when a fiscal code is entered in FAS, FAS will check to make sure that the code is valid and present in the descriptor tables. If it is not, FAS will respond with an error message.

Agency descriptor tables can be entered by an agency or SCO, and used by an agency for their own specific needs.

Create an Agency-Specific Table

If your agency personel has​ STARS/FAS Security permissions, use the FAS - Descriptor Table Maintenance/Inquiry screen (S030) to create a new, agency-specific FAS Descriptor Table:


1.        Type F at the STARS Main Menu and then press ENTER.

2.        Type 30 and press ENTER to open the FAS - Descriptor Table Maintenance/Inquiry screen.

3.        Type A in the FUNCTION field.

4.        Enter the TABLE-ID-NUMBER (for example, you would enter 01 – though table 01 is often referred to as D01. This is true for all descriptor tables).

5.        Enter the TABLE-ENTRY-KEY. The TABLE-ENTRY-KEY is your agency number followed by a number alphanumeric characters based upon the type of agency table (see below).

6.        Type a TITLE. This is a 40 character description to be used in reporting.

7.        Press F1 to save.

Figure 1:  FAS Descriptor Table Maintenance/Inquiry Screen















Update Titles in Agency-specific Tables

NOTE:  The Title of a TABLE-ENTRY-KEY can be updated, but the TABLE-ENTRY-KEY itself cannot be changed. It must be deleted and a new one must be added. 

To update the title, do the following:


  1. Type F at the STARS Main Menu and press ENTER to open the FAS Main Menu.
  2. Type 30 and press ENTER to open the FAS Descriptor Table Maintenance/Inquiry screen.
  3. Type R in the FUNCTION field
  4. Enter the two-digit TABLE-ID-NUMBER (for example, you would enter 01 – though table 01 is often referred to as D01. This is true for all descriptor tables).
  5. Enter the TABLE-ENTRY-KEY and press TAB.  The TABLE-ENTRY-KEY is your agency number followed by a number alphanumeric characters based upon the type of agency table (see below).
  6. Once you have reached the table you want to update, type C in the FUNCTION field and press TAB to the TITLE field. Change as needed. The title can be up to 40 characters.
  7. Press F1 to save the change.

F01 - Agency Suffix

This table contains the codes used by the agency for indexing assets. The TABLE-ENTRY-KEY is the three digit agency code followed by a two-character, alphanumeric suffix defined by the agency.

F03 - Class Code Suffix

This table contains the codes used by the agency to further detail the class codes. The TABLE-ENTRY-KEY is the three digit agency code followed by a four-digit class code and then a three digit suffix defined by the agency.

F13 - Manufacturer Code

This table contains two to three digit codes identifying the manufacturer of each asset in your agency. The TABLE-ENTRY-KEY is the three-digit agency code followed by a character manufacturer code defined by the agency. 

​​Manufacturer codes are required for automobiles insured through the Dept. of Administration Risk Management.

Be consistent in creating these. Some examples include:

Bluebird BLB, Kenworth KNW, Buick BUK, Chevrolet CHV, Dodge DDG, Oldsmobile OLD, Ford FRD, Plymouth PLY, Pontiac PON, GMC GMC, International Harvester Corp IHC, Subaru SUB, Jeep JEP, Toyota TOY​.

​F19 - Agency Location 1

​​​This table provides identification of an asset’s location. The TABLE-ENTRY-KEY is the three digit agency code followed by a five character Location 1 code. 

  • SCO will create the Location 1 number on the FAS Land and Building/Location 1 Table (SO38) before it can be used on the F19 table. However, you can send a Location 1 Form to the SCO to request a new Location 1 number (See Related Links on the right side of this page).
  • In most cases SCO will then create the entry on the F19 table as well, unless your agency has the security permissions to do so. 
  • Agencies can also add a Location 2 (see below) for additional details of the location.

F20 - Responsible Last Name

This table includes the last name of the person responsible for an asset. The TABLE-ENTRY-KEY is the three digit agency code followed by a 20 character last name defined by the agency.

F21 - Risk Management Bill Code

This table contains codes which will be important for Risk Management download, allowing you the option to have future Risk Management invoices separated by bill code. The TABLE-ENTRY-KEY is the three digit agency code followed by a four character Risk Management code defined by the agency.


Risk Management will send insurance billings by the Risk Management Bill Code, allowing you to have unique codes for divisions or bureaus. All agencies will default to one bill code (1000), or you may set up your own.  This field is required for all property records.

F24 - Location 2

This table contains codes intended to give details as to where an asset is located, e.g., room numbers, sections of a building, or work units. The TABLE-ENTRY-KEY is the three digit agency code followed by a 20 character Location 2 code defined by the agency.