Agency Maintenance

CPO, UPA - Agency Maintenance

The agency Central Payroll Officer (CPO) will use 'Agency Maintenance' to choose which cost distribution codes their agency uses in I-Time or to create an informational notice for their employees.
CPOs will view and edit the following information:

Cost Distribution: I-Time Information
A CPO can select the type of cost distribution(s) the agency uses by checking the box(s).  The agency CPO will indicate if the agency uses Index, PCAs, Grants or Projects.  When selecting Grant or Project, a PCA or Index must also be selected.  If an agency wants to use Grants or Projects without using a PCA or Index, the 'Disable Distribution Edits' box must be checked. 


          Default PCA – Only used at agency 954 (Central District Health) and 270 (Health and Welfare)

          Require PCA – Only used at agency 270 (Health and Welfare)

Use Index

Use Grant

Use Project

Use Project Identifier (PID) – Only used at agency 245 (Department of Environmental Quality)

Use Agency Data – Only used at agency 245 (Department of Environmental Quality) and 240 (Department of Labor)

Use Cost Center – Only used at agency 240 (Department of Labor)

Disable Distribution Edits

Note:  If PCA, Index, Grant and Project is chosen and cost distribution is checked on an employee's profile, that employee's time sheet will open and display those fields.
Use this link for additional information on Cost Distribution.
These fields will also be displayed when an employee with a standard time sheet clicks 'Cost Accounting'.
An error message will be displayed on the time sheet if the Central Payroll Officer (CPO) selects an invalid cost distribution for your agency and an employee tries to use it.
Cost distribution is a budgeting tool and is determined by how a position is set up.  Positions are set up and maintained in IPOPS. 
The Central Payroll Officer (CPO) is able to enter a message for all employees to view.  The State Controller's Office can also add a statewide message.
There is not a spell check and the message is limited to 80 characters.
This notice can be changed as frequently as needed.
Employees will be able to view this message when they click on the 'Notices' button under the 'Help' button in the lower left portion of the left frame.  The notice button will only appear when there is a message and will appear as one of the following. 
Message is only from the agency:

Message is only from the State Controller:

Message from both the agency and the State Controller: