
  2. I. History of Adoption
  3. II. Philosophy of Policy
    1. A. Agency’s Criteria for Eligibility
    2. B. Employee’s Criteria for Eligibility
    3. C. Qualifying Period
    4. D. Eligible Property
    5. E. Time, Distance & Related to Work Requirement
    6. F. Temporary Living Quarters
    1. A. Option 1–Transaction Fee Assistance
    2. B. Option 2–Straight Percentage of Residence Value
    1. A. Exemptions
    2. B. Amendments
  5. VI. Agency Procedures
    1. Appendix A: Taxable Real Estate Relocation Expenses
    2. Appendix B: Time, Distance & Related to Work Tests
    3. Appendix C: Sample Employee Real Estate Relocation Service Agreement
    4. Appendix D: Glossary
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